Wouldn’t you think that if you wrote for a paper and your job was to report the news, you would try and get all the facts correct? Unfortunately, news sources today seem to go for speed and don’t take the time to be accurate.
Take, for instance, the article published by the Miami Herald this morning. Madeleine Marr wrote a short article on Golfing For Inclusion. Her attitude towards the event and Clay Aiken was positive. She had quotes and it was obvious that she had heard Clay in an interview. Great!!
But, as soon as she had to do research, she gets it wrong. She must have found the information on last year’s event because the song list was a year old. So, instead of getting Kudos for a nice article, she gets a Slam for not taking the time to get it right.
Does it matter?? Well, this is not a real important mistake, but the next time I read an article by Madeleine, I will be wondering if it is correct.
Judge for yourself: Clay Aiken is no ‘Idol’ on the golf course