We’ve had polls on here before about Clay Aiken, but this one is a video poll. SueReu used some of her Sunday to put together some videos to make this poll.
One of the fun parts of Clay’s Solo Tour and the Juke Box Tour was his use of volunteers. Sometimes they sang and sometimes they danced, but each one gave Clay a chance to interact with them and the audience. And the moments always earned applause and even some laughter.
So…………..watch the poll and then vote on your favorite volunteer encounter. Don’t forget, we would love to know why you chose the person you did.
I am having trouble viewing the videos. In fact, all the videos on this site, including the tour section, are just white screens to me now. I was able to view them yesterday. Going from memory, Clay and Melanie was the funniest, Clay and Brianna was the sweetest. Love them all.
I was able to watch all the videos..
Nice going back again..I did love the one with Melanie, as Clay just kept embarassing himself…hahahahah He’s just so funny. But they are all good…
Clay and Melanie is one of my favorite Clay moments EVER!!! I can never stop laughing
Briana was so sweet when she was on stage with Clay Aiken. Plus, he was so nice to her!!
Those were fun times during Clay Aiken’s first Solo Tour with the girls on stage. Melani was a hoot with him too.
I loved all those videos, but I had to vote for Clay and Melanie! It was so cute that Clay was so embarrassed! A classic Clay moment! I really loved Briana too! Clay was so sweet with her.
Those were so fun during the NAT. Clay Aiken is great talking with people and love the vids.
I was there for the Briana one,,, she was sooo cute!!
Oh and that Clay Aiken guy, was HOT!!!
Clay and Briana! They are both so adorable, it was so cute how she wanted Raleigh’s autograph
I remember being at the concert with Lauren…she was an incredible singer, but Briana was just too cute!
They were all good, but I loved Clay and Briana. That was adorable!
Tough choice. I picked Clay and Briana based on the cuteness factor. She was a little doll and Clay was just perfect getting down on his knees to her height. He knew what to say to her and she was like all children, just honest when she said she wanted Raleigh’s autograph, not Clay’s. LOL
My other choice would have been Clay and Melanie. Clay is so quick witted and came up with some good one-liners. I laughed the whole way through.
I picked Clay and Briana first. I was at that one and got to see it in person. She was just a little doll and he was totally taken with her. I liked Clay and Melanie next because of how he embarressed himself. I laughed till my sides hurt. Clay was so funny.
I picked the Clay and Mary from Cary because I loved the interaction between the two of them. Having said that, I loved them all. Clay’s interaction with the fans is one of the things I love most about him. He is so witty and embarrasses himself quite easily which make him more endearing. Oh watching those just made me long for another concert …. some of the best times of my life!
What an entertainer Clay Aiken is. I just sat here with a stupid grin on my face watching these videos. I loved Melanie because Clay was so funny with her and I was at that concert. What a great night that was. The sound was awesome.
Clay and Briana, no constest. The look on Clay’s face while the little girl is singing is PRICELESS…
Clay and Brianna without a doubt just tugs on my heart! Something magical happens when clay is around kids!! His smile and that gleam in his eye tells you all you need to know.
Was there for Mary and for Briana, but not the others.
Honestly, Briana was so pretty and brave, and brought out the best of Clay. Her Mom was prompting her, and if it had been I, I would have cried!
However, I voted for Mary. Wish you all could have been there. This girl clearly had a monster crush on Clay, and I would have sworn he felt the same. She also sang better than Melanie. Never saw so much hugging, and the video didn’t show Clay in a daze afterwards, saying he “needed a moment.” Fooled me. Darn it!!! LOL
I had a hard time choosing. Lauren with Clay and Mary from Cary with Clay were the best singers, but Clay with Brianna is the cutest. I chose Lauren with Clay.
I loved Clay and Melanie simply because I enjoyed his pulling her on to the tune of the song once he started singing because she was so flat when she was singing alone. I loved Clay with Briana because he just looked so handsome in the close up shots. Probably because he was so enjoying singing and talking with her. It was adorable.
Suereu – what a great idea!!!!! I loved Clay and Melanie!! Clay was sooo adorable being embarrassed – just adore him!