Clay Aiken – LA Memories

We have had some pretty intense time the last couple of weeks.  So, it seemed to me that we just need to relax today.  Relaxing for me is enjoying a song sung by Clay Aiken or watching him make an entire audience laugh.  I hope you agree.

Today, I have posted two videos from the LA Greek Theater concert held in the summer of 2007.  This concert was special to me as I was there, sitting in the front row.  The entire concert  was amazing.

So…………enjoy Clay singing Without You and then enjoy a good laugh by watching The Best of SRHPT Banter from LA.  In this video, Clay goes into the audience to get his mom to sing!



Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

9 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – LA Memories

  1. Best site!!!! Because you can give the right information in the right time. Thank you sooooo much.
    Clay is the Beeest LIVE PERFORMER!! When he talking fast I can't understand. But i like watch him.
    Nevet get tired of him. My best wishes for your wonderful work! LOL. Thnks again.

  2. Thank you! I love the banters as well as the singing. It's part of who he is, and who the people who haven't been to his concerts are missing!

  3. Loved the videos……but it just makes me miss him more….

    Clay is so much fun in concert….He just interacts so well with the crowd….LOVE HIM!!!!!

    Thank you for posting those….it has just started my day off in a great mood…I was just sitting here laughing…..


  4. To quote you: "Relaxing for me is enjoying a song sung by Clay Aiken or watching him make an entire audience laugh"—that is so true for me.
    I'd forgotten the LA show where he went to get his Mom to sing! Thanks for finding it 🙂
    A great way to start the day..with Clay Aiken music and a smile.

    Thank you for the visit and sweet comment at Ashes Clay the Man new blog.

  5. It's always an amazing experience to hear Clay Aiken sing. He puts so much heart and soul into every song he sings. And no one can banter with an audience like that man does!! I've rolled on the floor too many times to count over something he's said or done on stage!! Thanks for providing the wonderful memories!

  6. Ah love the banter! And most of all ah love the southern accent that comes with the banter. Please Clay, never lose that adorable accent. Thank you CANN for bringing us this and reminding us just how incredibly funny this man is.

  7. I WAS THERE!!!! sorry about the yelling 🙂

    It was SO MUCH FUN!!!! THANK YOU for the memories – and that version of Without You absolutely kicked butt (tm Clay Aiken)

  8. Just love Clay in Concert. There is no one else like him. I went to the SRHP Concert in Orlando at the Hard Rock Cafe and he was awesome. He sure knows how to entertain a crowd and have them laughing in the aisles. Also, when he sings Without You, I just melt.

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