Clay Aiken – Ronald McDonald House

One of the most well-known charities in the United States is the Ronald McDonald House Charities.  They are a non-profit and their largest corporate donor is McDonalds.  For 35 years, it has been the charity of choice for McDonald’s and some of the operating costs are funded by McDonalds.  The remainder of their operating income comes from individual and corporate donors.

According to their site:

The mission of Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) is to create, find and support programs that directly improve the health and well being of children. Guiding us in our mission are our core values:

  • Focusing on the critical needs of children.
  • Celebrating the diversity of the programs we offer and the staff, volunteers and donors who make them possible.
  • Staying true to our heritage of 35 years of responsible stewardship.
  • Operating with accountability and transparency.

We believe that when you change a child’s life, you change a family’s, which can change a community, and ultimately the world.

On November 6, 2004, The Ronald McDonald House Charities held a Gala honoring Danny Glover. Held at the Rosemont Theater in Chicago, IL, Clay Aiken was the featured entertainment for the evening.

Clay sang three solo songs; This is the Night, Solitaire, and Look What Love Has Done.  He was then joined by Richard Page of Mr. Mister and Linda Collins for a trio performance of All The Children.

During the first few years of Clay’s professional music career, he seemed to have a close working relationship with McDonalds and the Ronald McDonald’s House Charities.  I hope he has the opportunity to join with them again in helping children and families in need.

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

6 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Ronald McDonald House

  1. I've never seen these pics of Clay…and Danny Glover…

    Nice article. Clay has always been involved in helping people/children…long before he ever became famous.. I truly believe that if Clay has the opportunity to help children..he will always do so..


  2. Thank you very much for your most interesting article on the Ronald McDonald House. Yes, Clay certainly did do a lot of events with them. I also remember a Parade he was in…I believe in California for New Year's Day. It would be nice to see him do something with them again.

  3. ah, I LOVE the Ronald McDonald House!! An amazing organization!! Clay Aiken is an advocate for all children so it seems a perfect match. Thanks for the interesting article!!!

  4. Ronald McDonald House is a wonderful organization. It is an essential one in Canada too, so many parents are so grateful for RDM.

  5. Another very informative blog! I look forward to these emails every night. It seems there is a lot that I didnt realize Clay was involved in during the early years even tho Ive been a fan since 2003. Thank you!

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