Today brought some more Internet articles about Celebrity Apprentice and Clay Aiken. The following are some of my favorites.
TVGasm writes a tongue-in-cheek review each week. The article is full of great pictures with captions that add a lot of fun to the remarks. The following are some of the Clay mentions:
Celebrity Apprentice Recap: The Bleepisode.
…Clay starts talking about his grandfather clipping coupons every Sunday and Arsenio suggests they could get Paul to play that part in their commercial. They ask Paul if he would be willing to dowdy himself up for the commercial and he agrees.
…Clay tells us that the confrontation between Arsenio and Aubrey may have been exactly what they needed, as Aubrey has meshed into the group this week. Thankfully, he’s smart enough to understand that Aubrey is a loose canyon and she can’t be counted on to remain cooperative.
…At the Unanimous editing bay, Clay and Arsenio seem relaxed and are having a great time. They are doing the foley for a zipper that is supposed to sound like pants being unzipped but is really a computer bag. Clay is joking that his nuts got stuck.
…There is some lighthearted banter in which Trump tries to imagine how Clay would do hanging out with Paul and his biker buddies and what it would be like for Clay to work in his shop.
Take the time to read this fun article. The graphics are worth the time. You can see the article at TVGASM
Recappers Delight is a blog that reviews many different TV shows in a humorous way. The reviews of Celebrity Apprentice combine a great recall of the episodes with with a good dose of humor. This week, the article is titled
Celebrity Apprentice Recap: “Ad Hawk”
…Lisa decides that Aubrey is justified in her disappearing act because she has to deal with people who are threatened because Aubrey is so much more talented than they are… she’s referring to those big bullies, Clay and Arsenio. Clay’s a bully now. OK. See, it’s OK for Lisa and Aubrey to gang up on Dayana, but if Clay and Arsenio both have problems with Aubrey…. OK, we’ve got that clear. MM Hmm. Lisa gets bleeped twice.
…Meanwhile, Unanimous is in a kind, congenial huddle, and we hear Clay making gentle, encouraging noises at Teresa, who is about to take another stab at being Project Manger. Clay… wait a minute? Aren’t you a bully?
…Clay Aiken, one-time squeaky clean mama’s boy, is allowing his freak flag to fly with the raunchy dialogue, which has a teenaged couple spouting some double entendres behind a closed door. The girl’s furious father, played by Paul, kicks the door in and finds that they’ve been talking about coupons. The dialogue is pretty dirty, so they decide to take out one or two of the suggestive comments. These people have a habit of making dirty jokes in inappropriate places. Didn’t this happen during the Medieval Times task? At least nobody got bleeped.
…Clay and Arsenio are having way too much fun editing their commercial. They are getting a hysterical amount of raunchy milage out of the sound of a zipper, and appear to be much too happy as the rest of the group arrives.
…Claymates, enjoy this part: Paul declares Clay the star of the team. Really! Even when he’s not singing! Now, Clay might not be very productive in Paul’s motorcycle shop, but he’s pretty well-rounded otherwise. Well, yes. We knew that. We’ve known it for almost a decade. We are in the Board Room, which is Trash Talk Central, having a Clay Aiken love fest. Heh. Enjoy it while it lasts. We’ve got some weeks to go yet.
There is a great deal more great comments in this review. I hope you will visit this blog and read the entire article…and how about leaving a comment to let the author know you enjoyed her article. You can read the review at RECAPPERS
TV BLEND is back with another review. Written by Jessica Grabert and Mack Rawden, this site always publishes a power ranking of the celebrities each week. Last week, Clay was at the top of the list…this week, he is tied with Penn for the top position. The following is what they say about Clay:
#1) Clay Aiken (33): Clay was a fundamental part of the editing of the video this week and mostly did an outstanding job as a key player on Teresa’s team. His one flub was possibly letting that “old-fashioned” line slide, but hey, the team won and bygones should be bygones. His affable nature and willingness to tell it like it is should serve him well in upcoming tasks. He’s tied for the lead this week, but perhaps a second stint as project manager would change that.
Here’s a look at how the ballots shook out…
Clay Aiken (17)
Penn Jillette (16)
Aubrey O’Day (15)
Paul Teutul Sr. (14)
Dayana Mendoza (13)
Lisa Lampanelli (12)
Arsenio Hall (11)
Teresa Giudice (10Mack:
Penn Jillette (17)
Clay Aiken (16)
Aubrey O’Day (15)
Paul Teutul Sr (14)
Lisa Lampanelli (13)
Arsenio Hall (12)
Dayana Mendoza (11)
Teresa Giudice (10)
This review is full of information and it is interesting to read the reasons they rate the celebrities. You can visit this site at: TVBLEND
It is always fun to find these reviews and read positive reactions to Clay Aiken. I do believe he is surprising many people.
Screen-caps from the lovely ladies at The Clayboard and Clayversity
Thanks for the great Clay links so we can support Clay