Clay Aiken – Looking Good!

I know it has been over a week since Clay Aiken sang the Star Spangled Banner at his high school alma mater.  However, these pictures are great.  If you have not seen them, you are in for a treat.  If you have already seen them…well, they are worth another look.

I sure hope Clay had a fun time at this Basketball game.  He certainly made his fans smile!


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13 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Looking Good!

  1. Whoo, what a twitter day yesterday afternoon! Sad to see that some fans were saying Clay was "out of control", and "losing it". Really people, really? I had so much dang fun getting the texts at work and reading each one! You go on with your bad self Clay! Oh and those pictures up there ^^^^ OMG! He is so handsome!

  2. Thanks for those pictures–some of my favorites. I love that Clay can be at local events and go back to his high school.

    I hope Jamie keeps his hair this way and I hope he keeps wearing these shorts instead of the cargo shorts.

    Your title is right on–looking good–no-make that great!!!!

  3. Love those pictures. Good gracious Clay is hot! :).

    I felt bad for Clay on twitter yesterday. He was between a rock and a hard spot. I’m not mad at Arsenio but I hope he’s a little more careful with what he says and doesn’t put Clay in that position again.

  4. Clay looked great at his High School. Sounds fantastic as well.
    Yes, it was a weird day yesterday. Clay will always stand up for his friends and fans. The problem was someone put Clay's name to a tweet, that he actually should have been left out of…once you tweet Clay, you've included him in the conversation. I'm not sure if some people are aware of that, or maybe they just figured they would get him involved. So silly. I love Clay's tweets, but he is right in defending his friends or his fans. Just as we would do.

  5. Those are great pictures. Thank you to whomever was good enough to be at said ballgame and supply pics! Oh, and Clay does look amazingly handsome…I'm still very taken with the fact that he wears an undershirt. Something really alluring about it. I know, I'm not right. LOL

  6. Love the great photos of Clay with his different stances. Also really like seeing his varied facial expressions that can tell a story by just looking at them.. Conclusion – Clay was feeling pretty good at his old Alma Mater. Thanks musicfan for the second look.

    Glad it appears that the fan base and Clay have weathered yesterday's twitter storm. Wow!

  7. Loving these pics. I have already ogled them quite a few times..but, it never hurts to look again. He is looking so adorable..and handsome. Love the new shorts too..also the hair is divine..and so is he.

  8. I love these pictures. It is fun to see Clay looking so relaxed and happy.

    Thanks for posting these and thanks to whoever took the pictures!

  9. I love seeing these pictures in a larger size. Clay looks very happy and quite nice in his new shorts. I am so glad he was asked to sing the SSB. No one beats Clay in singing it!

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