Clay Aiken – “Coming Out Is Still A Risk”

Anderson Cooper made national news on Monday with the acknowledgment that he is gay.  The media is filled with articles about this.  Every entertainment site, magazine and TV show is trying to put their own spin on this story.

However, many people are reacting to Anderson’s acknowledgment with…”Why is this news?”  Some even laugh as though they already knew and say “You’re kidding!

Is it news?  Well I suppose it is news.  Yesterday, a man in a highly public job revealed that he is a part of a minority group that doesn’t have full and equal rights.  The decision he made to be open about it is important for himself and for many others.  With this announcement, Anderson’s acknowledgment is a bold statement to both youth who may be struggling to accept their own orientation and to those people who have bigoted beliefs.  He says…I am the same guy who you invited into your home and trusted to bring you news and I just happen to be gay.

Anderson frequently reports from dangerous regions of the world, areas that are more dangerous for gays and lesbians.  His public declaration of sexuality could add more danger to his foreign reporting.  So, yes…this is news.

Anderson said:

The fact is, I’m gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud.

I have always been very open and honest about this part of my life with my friends, my family, and my colleagues.  In a perfect world, I don’t think it’s anyone else’s business, but I do think there is value in standing up and being counted.  I’m not an activist, but I am a human being and I don’t give that up by being a journalist.

Many of the articles about Anderson Cooper also reported on other gay celebrities.  Some of these article included Clay Aiken in their articles.

The Los Angeles Times published an article about Anderson Cooper. They included a link to pictures of gay celebrities.  Clay is included in the pictures. Clay is number 15 and the picture is current.  To see the pictures, click on LATIMES

The New York Daily News has a slide show of 42 stars that have come out. Again, Clay is in the slide presentation…but New York needs to update their library of pictures.  You can see the slideshow at NEWYORK has an internet site and they posted a short video of Anderson Cooper.  They mention Clay and show a picture of him too.  The article says:

Anderson Cooper Joins Celebs Fighting Against Gay Bullying

Anderson Cooper is out. Cooper’s announcement that he is gay makes him one of many celebrities who have discussed their sexuality in an effort to end bullying. Zachary Quinto, Ellen DeGeneres and Clay Aiken are also very vocal about their anti-bully…

To see the video, click on KSDK

I am sure there will be more articles about gay celebrities in the next few days.  If you find one, please pass on the address so we can all see it.

Jennifer Vanasco wrote a beautiful article at the Huffington Post titled Why It Matters That Anderson Cooper Came Out As Gay.  It is a good read.  I hope you have the time to read it.  It makes you think…and it could be written about Clay Aiken.  She ends the article with the following:

Cooper’s statement is a reminder to all of us that coming out, no matter how ordinary it may seem to those of us on the other side of it, is still a risk, is still brave, is still courageous, and still matters. Bravo.

The link to this article can be found at HUFFINGTON


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6 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – “Coming Out Is Still A Risk”

  1. Great article, and I am so proud of Anderson. It still is a risk to say you are "gay", but I do believe it is getting accepted more. Clay came out 4 years ago, and I think it was harder then, than it is now. The thing with Anderson and Clay ,is that they travel to different regions of the world. Anderson, being a journalist travels to areas that are dangerous, especially for "gay" men. Clay did so, being an Ambassador for Unicef. I do believe that this has had an impact of where they may travel now. Some countries, you can still be executed for being "gay". Unbelievable! It was a risk to take, not because of saying your gay, but there is still uneducated people, that have not taken the time to understand it. You can't choose to be "gay, but you certainly can choose to educate yourself.
    Anderson and Clay…..brave men, just trying to live their lives, the best they can!! BRAVO Indeed!!

  2. Most everything written in these articles so parallel Clay. His feelings on being private because it's nobody's business, but then standing up when they are ready. Thanks for bringing all these wonderful articles to us musicfan. It is so appreciated! I didn't know Anderson was gay, but had heard the rumors. Thing is, I didn't care. It really shouldn't matter. Like Clay, he's still the same guy we know and love.

  3. Ok…I just don't get it. Anderson's gay, so what? I mean, it doesn't make him any less a great reporter, any more or less attractive or any better or worse a person. Same as with Clay. I wasn't around when he came out but I must tell you that his being gay has had no affect on his singing ability, his compassion for children with or without disabilities or his love for God or his family. I'm weird I just don't get it. I look at it this way, it's his (Anderson, Clay or whomever this will apply to) sexuality, not mine so really….it's not even any of my business 🙂

  4. Thank you for this thoughtful post. I really like the quote at the end. Yes…coming out is still news…and it is still a risk for people like Anderson and Clay who have bigoted people who think they are evil.

    It really is no ones business and the world will be a better place when being gay is no longer news!

  5. thanks for thoughtfull poast and i realy like that quote at the end and yes comeing out is still indeed news and its still a risk like anderson who just said hes gay but so what it doesnt make him less of a good reporter bravo anderson for telling and it doest same as with clay aiken i was around when clay said im a gay dad when he came out and said that it dint change the way i felt about him or his amazing singing or his compashion for children with or with out disabilliteys or his love for family and god and to be honist its not realy mine or anones buisness

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