Clay Aiken – A Talented and Versatile Young Man

The following picture was found Sunday, on Twitter.

It looks like Clay was absorbing some interesting facts while on his vacation.

Thank you to canfly172 for sharing the picture.

The Summer of 2005…………….A wonderful time for fans of Clay Aiken. It was the summer of…

The JukeBox Tour

Running from July 27th to September 1st, the tour stopped at 26 cities and performed for sell-out and near sell-out crowds at all the stops.

One of the highlights of the tour was the Elvis Medley that Clay performed. He tricked us into believing he was playing the piano, slipped on blue shoes, caressed his mike, and flirted with Angela, Quiana and the audience.

The following video is the Elvis Medley from Boston. It really shows what a talented and versatile young man Clay Aiken is in concert.

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

9 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – A Talented and Versatile Young Man

  1. I only enjoyed this show through clack. This was before I realized I could fly by myself to a Clay Aiken concert. Wasted all those years sitting at home lol! Well, I should say grrrrr! I could NOT believe Clay tricked all of us into thinking he could actually PLAY the piano. How funny is THAT!!?? He thought the jig was up during one show where he wasn't even AT the piano yet and it started playing. JukeBox Tour was everybody's favorite and I sooooo wish I had been there too!

  2. I was there in Cleveland at the out-door pavilion next to the river and the cruise boats going by. It was
    a hot night and Clays wonderful voice could be heard over the loud speakers sailing over the city. It
    definitely was magic. Another great memory!!! So much fun!! 🙂

  3. Love the photos, I've watched his concerts thru clack, love them, very entertaining, he's so versatile and very talented, always puts a smile on my face! Thanks musicfan xox.

  4. Saw this concert twice…Columbus and Indianapolis. The screaming for Clay was deafening! I think this was the best of all the Clay concerts. Showed off his wide range from ballads to Rock n' Roll. Let's have another! Thanks for the photo of Clay on vacation. He was really paying attention to the guide on the tour.

  5. I love the new picture, he is such a smart young man with so much talent, and a great big heart..That is why we all love him so much. . Us older women see all these traits in him and admire them.

  6. Saw The Jukebox Tour in Valdosta, Georgia. It was a hot and humid night…and Clay was awesome. Really enjoyed that tour…it was upbeat and a lot of fun. Wish Clay would do another JBT.

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