Clay Aiken – At Politicon

Saturday was the first day of 2019 Politicon.  This year, the event is in Nashville, Tennessee.

Since I had never visited the city, I arrived a couple of days early to see some of Nashville.  It is a lovely city filled with lots of fun restaurants and music.  The city is growing fast.

I am posting a few pictures of Clay at Politicon.  He was very busy and was on stage for three discussions.

When I get home, I will write more about Clay’s role in Politicon.

On Sunday, Clay will be moderating another section of Politicom.  I am looking forward to sharing more with you when I get home.

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

4 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – At Politicon

  1. Thank you for the pictures. I was in Nashville several years ago. I hope you have fun. I know that Clay likes being at Politicon.

  2. Glad you are there and sharing photos with us. Good to see Clay in his element again. He's a wonderful singer/performer, but he sure does like politics.

  3. thanks so much ilike the pictures of clay from politicio music fan I cant wait to see and hear more when you return home

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