Clay Aiken – One Heartbeat At A Time

I was driving in the car Saturday and was listening to my iTunes.  I had it set for shuffle.  Suddenly, I was listening to a song I had forgotten about.

I listened carefully to the lyrics and…SURPRISE … I thought of Clay Aiken.  The following are the lyrics at the end of the song.

One Heartbeat At A Time


And you, you are changing the world

One little heartbeat at a time

Making history with every touch and every smile

Oh, you, you may not see it now

But I believe that time will tell

How you, you are changing the world

One little heartbeat at a time


You’re beautiful

You’re beautiful

How you’re changing the world

You’re changing the world


You, you are changing the world

One little heartbeat at a time

~~~~~ From The album – This Momentby Steven Curtis ChapmanOctober, 2007 

Before American Idol
Ronald McDonald House Charities 11-20-03
Best Buddies – Florida April 2005
Skate With Clay Raleigh – December, 2003
Camp Gonzo July, 2004
Christie Cookie Award October, 2009
UNICEF – Afghanistan April, 2007
GLSEN Respect Awards May, 2014
February, 2014

Do you think of Clay when you read the lyrics?

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

2 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – One Heartbeat At A Time

  1. If I was just listening to the song on the car radio, I probably wouldn’t have even picked up the words. But now that I’ve seen them printed out, yes, they do describe Clay’s way of interacting with the world around him. We should all be so willing to share ourselves with those in need.

  2. Thank you for the pictures and the words of the song. When I do read the words, I do think of Clay. He has always shared his heart with the world. Thank you for this post. Thank you CANN.

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