In just a bit over a week, the Primary Election in the state of North Carolina will be counting the votes! Clay Aiken will be one person, waiting to see the results. He is working to become elected as the new democratic person for the House of Representative. Clay has been working hard!
I thought you might want to see a few videos of ad and interviews of Clay!

This last week, Russ Bowen at CBS17 interviewed Clay….check it out!
The following video is more info from Clay. I hope you will watch!
Now….I know that everyone who reads CANN is not a democrat like Clay. That is certainly fine, but please, no comments from either side of the votes. I love getting messages from you , but please….no nasty comments on any side!!!
I am very happy that Clay seems to be doing a wonderful job. I really think he would be a good person to help our country.
AND………most important………..I hope each of you will vote this spring. Votes are so important!

Thank you for the pictures and the two videos, I did see the first one video before. I watch both videos He is a smart man. I would vote for him. I hope every who can vote, will vote for him. Let’s go Clay. Thank you CANN.
I haven’t seen photos or TV clips of Clay for quite a while. I shouldn’t have been surprised that he has grown up and is not the ‘skinny kid’ from AI 2. I have contributed to his campaign online even though I don’t live in North Carolina. He is so well spoken about the current state of affairs in our country. Thanks, CANN for sharing this video with us.