Clay Aiken – Some Amazing Pictures

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Yes…the following pictures are from the Champions Gala for The National Inclusion Project in 2018. But…special because it was their 15th Anniversary Celebration.

I thought you might want to see some amazing pictures of the Gala.

So…I picked a few that I thought you would enjoy.

The info is under each picture and I hope you enjoy them all!

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Dress Rehearsal -Making sure everything will be OK!
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Back stage working to make sound, lighting, curtains, etc. all work!
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Clay is talking about the the Honorees.
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Watching the audience!
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Clay Makes us all to smile…Diane just had to laugh!
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Even the band takes a selfie!
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Each member of the band was so talented!
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The view from the balcony!
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Clay and Ethel – What fun!!
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Nobody sings like Clay!!
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So beautiful!! Same shirt, pants and shoes…do you remember the pink shoelaces??

Today is Tuesday and The National Inclusion Project opened their tickets for those who are attending the 20th Anniversary Gala

It is on October 7, 2023

Raleigh Marriott City Center

They are having a 20th Anniversary dinner Party — A trip down Memory Lane —AND

Clay Aiken will sing for all of us!

I suggest you get your tickets. I think it will be a busy week-end

SO….enjoy the pictures from the 15th Anniversary!


I am so excited

There are some really great pictures and I hope you enjoyed the them.

I hope you have a wonderful day and CANN would love to have some comments.

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

7 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Some Amazing Pictures

  1. All of the pics are familiar as I was blessed to attend this concert with my two granddaughters. We had such a lovely time. The NIP Gala’s are always exciting and fun – getting to meet old friends and make new ones, There is nothing like it!
    Having Clay and Diane in the middle of it all – – -so special!

  2. All of the pics are familiar as I was blessed to attend this concert with my two granddaughters. We had such a lovely time. The NIP Gala’s are always exciting and fun – getting to meet old friends and make new ones, There is nothing like it!
    Having Clay and Diane in the middle of it all – – -so special! Thank you CANN!

  3. It is an honor to be a claymate to a man who not only has a great singing voice, but who is also a great humanitarian! Love all the pictures! Thank you CANN for sharing!

  4. Thank you for all the pictures. I have never been to a Gala. The pictures are great. Clay is a great person, not just a singer, he has a heart .Thank you CANN.

  5. I was able to attend this wonderful concert so many years ago, but I won’t be able to attend this one. Getting too old to hit the road for such a long drive. I’m sure the CANN will have photos to share with us fans.

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