Clay Aiken – News, Glorious News!!

It is always fun to see so much news about Clay Aiken.  Thursday there was news about The Drowsy Chaperone and Clay’s role on The Office.

About The Drowsy Chaperone

BroadwayWorld wrote a wonderful review of the musical.

Raleigh Natives Shine in NC Theatre’s THE DROWSY CHAPERONE

It’s an old-fashioned musical – with a twist. NC Theatre’s current production is the 2006 Broadway musical, The Drowsy Chaperone, subtitled, “A Musical Within a Comedy.”…

…Another Raleigh native also graces the stage in this production – Clay Aiken in the surprisingly non-musical role of Man in Chair. The show’s narrator, Aiken serves as the audience’s adept guide through his favorite record. Although perhaps a little young to be playing an old-timer who reminisces over pre-Depression Era shows, Aiken manages to pull it off. He has the right attitude for the character, and the punch lines go over very well. His character is the bridge between old and new, and he sets the tone to create a show that is likable for people of all generations, with a little extra punch for those of us who have a particular affinity for musical theater…

Please visit the article and leave a comment.  Broadway World is one of the most active Broadway sites on the internet.  I am so glad they reviewed the Musical.  You can see the entire article by Larisa Mount at BROADWAY

From the Triangle – Arts and Entertainment:

Amusing Antics by Clay Aiken, Beth Leavel, & Co. Make “The Drowsy Chaperone” a Must-See Musical

Posted by Robert W. McDowell  

“American Idol” season-two runner-up Clay Aiken wins the hearts and minds of Triangle theatergoers with his pixilated performance as the star-struck Man in Chair in the North Carolina Theatre‘s uproarious rendition of The Drowsy Chaperone, playing now through Sunday in Raleigh Memorial Auditorium in the Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts in the downtown Raleigh, NC. Aiken, who made his professional debut at age 17 in NCT’s 1996 productions of 1776 and Shenandoah, is a hoot as an eccentric, effete musical-theater snob with a special affection for a forgotten 1928 Broadway musical romance entitled The Drowsy Chaperone.

Although he doesn’t have much of an opportunity to sing, Aiken demonstrates a fine flair for comedy as Man in Chair sets the musical ball rolling as he spins remastered LPs from his favorite guilty pleasure and — like magic — the original Roaring Twenties cast of The Drowsy Chaperone materializes all around him — to flirt and dance and crack wise. Meanwhile, Man in Chair scampers around and through the action, introducing the characters and the actors and actresses who play them with pep in their step, thanks to NCT artistic director Casey Hushion’s robust recreation of the original 2006 Broadway direction and choreography devised by her friend Casey Nicholaw, while Hushion served as his assistant director….

Please visit the site and read the entire article.  They include some great pictures too!!  Just click on TRIANGLE

The North Carolina photographer, Curtis Brown took over 2000 pictures of the dress rehearsal of The Drowsy Chaperone.  They are wonderful.  He posted a slide show of some of them and also has offered a disk with 2000 images for $25!  You can see the pictures at  CURTISBROWN

Paige Faure who plays Janet Van Der Graaff in the Drowsy Chaperone, wrote a blog on BroadwayWorld.    She says…

I’m feeling a little drowsy myself. It might be the glass of Red Zinfandel I have in my hand, or the fact that I have a three month old baby boy, Henry, who is always so excited to see me…at 3 am. Or it could be because last night we opened a beautiful production of “The Drowsy Chaperone” in Raleigh, NC at the North Carolina Theater, directed by Casey Hushion, with two weeks of rehearsal and little time to breathe let alone breastfeed. Regardless of the lack of sleep, I have to say I’m having such a grand time singing and cartwheeling with this bunch of actors. I mean, how many times in your life does someone say, “Would you be willing/able to share the stage with Beth Leavel reprising the role for which she won a Tony Award?” Boy, does that ever give you the fire to get back into shape post-partum. And if that weren’t enough, the rest of the cast seems to be custom-made for their roles as well, including former-American Idol runner-up, Clay Aiken, playing the Man In Chair. Say what you want about reality stars, but he is the real deal, y’all. Makes me misty every night

You can read the rest of the blog at PAIGE

Did you see Clay on The Office Thursday night?  He didn’t have a big role, but it was lots of fun!

Yahoo Music posted a bit about the show:

Clay Aiken & Santigold Judge Fictional-But-Awesome New Singing Show

By r

Did you think you’d ever see the day when “American Idol’s” Clay Aiken, “The X Factor’s” Rachel Crow, Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers, and electro-diva Santigold would all share the small screen? No? Well, think again. That day gloriously, bizarrely arrived this week, thanks to the producers of the penultimate episode of NBC’s “The Office.”…

…But with rumors flying that the entire “American Idol” judging panel will be replaced next year, maybe Fox should just consider hiring Clay and Santigold, and maybe even this Aaron guy….

You can see the entire article at YAHOOMUSIC

I am sure there will be more comments and reviews about The Office today.  When I find them, I will get them posted as soon as I can.

Did you watch The Office last night?

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

6 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – News, Glorious News!!

  1. I did watch The Office last night and enjoyed seeing Clay on TV again, wish he had a bigger part, but it was still great and he did a great job. Thanks Musicfan xox.

  2. Watched The Office on TV last night and the segment in which Clay had his cameo appearance was by far the best. His part was entertaining, and the basis of it had at least some relatable substance to it. The rest of the show sadly presented as a collection of meaningless nonsense. Was happy to see Clay Aiken on TV again though. He looked and sounded great.

  3. I've never watched the Office before, but I did record it last night to watch those 2 minutes with Clay over and over.

  4. i had never seen the office clay was a good judge he did a great job ithink i was glad ta see clay aiken on tv

  5. Thanks so much for posting all the up to date news and reviews about Clay. I appreciate being able to come here to read everything all in one place.

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