Clay Aiken – Scrambled Songs

Since Clay is somewhere planning his next exciting events, we need to keep busy.  Here is a puzzle that might make you scratch your head for a moment.  Some of the answers are easy, but a few might make you stop and think!  Unscramble the letters to reveal songs Clay has sung.

Be sure and let us know what you think, but please don’t reveal the answers.  Everybody has to do there own work!!

1.     gebdir evro bulretdo tewra
2.     pone srma
3.     tdno vaes ti lal ofr shramcsit yda
4.     tlisl het noe
5.     oklo awht vloe ahs nedo
6.     ot voel mesdoyob
7.     ayrm idd uyo wokn
8.     ihst si het gthin
9.     narasno
10.  newh vosed rcy
11.  mehowesre uto ehret
12.  anc ouy lefe eht voel tgoihtn
13.  hawt era uyo nigod ewn rasey vee
14.  vingil al davi coal
15.  tnod etl het usn og nowd no em
16.  letl her tubao ti
17.  rates urn ydr
18.  howtuit uyo
19.  i ilwl cryra uoy
20. menamelu

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

20 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Scrambled Songs

  1. Oh..this will be fun to do….
    Thanks Cann for thinking of things to do, while we await
    whatever is next in Clay’s career…….Our man is still healing, and I’m sure getting better every day….

    but I’m sure he is working on this for his career…and I can’t wait..I’m ready for anything Clay….


  2. I whizzed right through them except for one, which was the most obivous! But I got it! That was so much fun! Thanks CANN for being so creative and supporting Clay like you do!

  3. Thanks!!!!!!!! I love word scrambles. It will be fun unscrambling names of songs Clay Aiken has sung! I copied them over into an EMail and sent them to myself so I can work on them later.

  4. Got them all, even #9 which I thought was the easiest!! Well done – what a great Clay Aiken puzzle!

  5. Okay, I finally got them all. #20 was the hardest for me. Funny–it is one of my favorite songs by Clay, too!!

  6. This is so much fun..I love puzzles!
    I got most of them right, still have to figure some out. RIFAN, #20 was the easy one for me!

    The new site looks great. Thanks all.

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