Welcome to Clay Aiken News Network! We are a dedicated group of fans with the goal of keeping you updated on all the Clay Aiken news as it happens. But this site is much more than that. We are adding other elements to help keep the site fresh and informative about Clay. Check back regularly as we are adding and updating the content on a regular basis.
Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain clayaiken.com.
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Got News?
Have any Clay related fan news you would like posted? Please fill out the form below with your news and let us know!
Great site I’m waiting for news of a tour. Do you know whats’ up with that?
Afraid not. No news yet on a tour.
Great work everyone!!
You have all put a lot of work into the Clay Aiken New Network. It’s informative and has a nice set-up. Congratulations!
Verra nice blog; I will be visiting regularly. I know from experience how much work goes into keeping up a website or blog (I’m now up to 4.5 years) so I appreciate this blog!
Maybe you could my website to your list?
Ijust a comment and forgot to put in my e-mail
Rita Jaxv. fl.
WOW! I’ve been away for a few days for GFI, so when I didn’t have time to investigate your site until now. Congratulations! Easy to navigate, bright and pretty (those Clay Aiken photos will do it every time *g*), current, and it’s great to see all the links for Goodsearch, BAF, and Amazon to purchase.
Don’t think you’ve left out a thing!
Keep up the good work!
It would be great if you could title the featured video or put a date on it so we know if it’s current. Thanks so much for all the work. I tried to register, but can’t figure out how to do that.
Love your site, keep up the good work. I hope to hear/read that we have a tour “soon”. I miss him.
Deona, I would really like to write for you!!!
Thanks for a wonderful year and congrats on the 1st anniversary! Your gals ROCK!!! Hugs Cookie
Ih How are you Doing I am Fan you are Favoiter you are The Bast Voice Of a Angle I Sing your Music I love To Sing Is Dames
i love clay's Christmas albums
Why can't I use the chat box here? Always could before.
Whatever it is its a great fan blog, i mean we get so much of a info.