American Idol Performances

Here are Clay Aiken’s American Idol performances. Enjoy!!

13 thoughts on “American Idol Performances

  1. Thank you so much for putting these videos up…I love watching these old videos……and you can just go back to the beginning when we first heard Clay’s magnificient voice….

    Clay still outshines them all….After 6 years….He still has IT!!!


  2. Six years ago…and I still enjoy seeing today. Thanks for all the videos, it makes it easy to watch them all!

  3. Thank you for putting them all together! I can just play from the beginning to the end or hear them in whatever order I want!

  4. Looking at these videos just make me miss Clay more.God, where is he???Fans are waiting for his next album to hit the market…I miss the singer and I miss the VOICE!!!

  5. These Idol appearances were so awesome, I watch then every chance I get…he is by far the best singer that AI has ever produced…

  6. love these videos so much, he's such a fantastic singer, still is to this day, love listening to him singing, he sings with so much emotion, just love him.

  7. OMG! Just discovered this feature. All this time I have been reading your daily Clay news and not taking advantage of all features at the top. This is going to keep me busy for HOURS!!!!

  8. i love clay and was showing my daughter his performance since she wasn't born,
    which song was it that clay forgot the lyrics to, i was thinking it was buttercup thanks!

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