Going To The Dogs

It’s Wednesday, February 18, 2009. Where In The World Is Clay Aiken?? Is he at home, recuperating from his jaw “procedure” and playing with his son, or is he in New York visiting his friends. Or, maybe he is in Washington D.C. promoting inclusion to the Obama camp. Could he be in Los Angeles negotiating some new career move or perhaps across the world on a trip for UNICEF?

We just don’t know and since Clay is on a break, that’s the way it should be. However, the days still pass by and here at CANN, we are trying to find something to post each day. So…………..

Instead of going to the dogs, we have decided to join them.

We all know that Clay enjoys his two dogs, Raleigh and Durham. But, he has been photographed with other dogs too. Which picture of Clay and his canine friend do you like the best?? Maybe you can tell us why too.

Lucky Dog

Raleigh Love

Doggy Tongue

Clay's Revenge

[poll id=”4″]

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain clayaiken.com.

8 thoughts on “Going To The Dogs

  1. What fun to pass the time….

    You know what..we don’t really see all that many pictures of Durham, do we? I understand that Raleigh is such a sweetheart, but when Durham came into the family, he was kind of the rebel!!! hahahaha Always on Clay’s furniture, barking… I wonder how he is now??? especially with Parker… What a fun house it will be now…lots of activity for sure…


    • Not really…………..it was cropped to leave out Ruben and Randy. This was in a magazine and the picture was in the center, across two pages. I keep thinking Vanity Fair, but I could be wrong about that. If I have time, I will look it up

  2. I’m going to have to wait to vote on this one, need to peruse the photos more (dang it).

    I also wonder how Durham’s doing?? He’s got SPUNK that dog does!!! Don’t tell Raleigh, but he’s my favorite…..

  3. I remember all those doggie pics and love them all but Clay and Raleigh ….. that’s real puppy love!

    Thanks for the Elvis Medley (also to Tsunamimommy). Brought back great memories. Oh I am sooooooooo hoping for a JBT2. Since it was Clay’s favourite, maybe he’ll do another one.

    Once again, I love your site!

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