People Magazine Loves Clay Aiken

People Magazine has supported Clay Aiken since his time on American Idol. He has been on the cover, had full page articles and mentions in the weekly sections.

On April 6, 2007, People had a special issue come out about American Idol contestants.  It was called “American Idol – Where Are They Now.”  Clay was a part of the cover and there were 4 full pages of information and pictures of Clay.  Besides the multi-page article, there were 5 more mentions of Clay in this issue.

It is fun to see the pictures from this special edition and to see what People thought was important in the career of Clay Aiken.

The scans have been reduced in size so that they fit the blog page.  But if you want to see them bigger, just  click on the picture and it will show up bigger.  This will help, especially if you want to read the article.








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7 thoughts on “People Magazine Loves Clay Aiken

  1. Wow, they sure have featured Clay a lot. Next things I want to see are…1.Clay Aiken touring and 2. Pictures of Parker Foster Aiken at 8 mos. old. Is this asking too much???????

  2. And in addition to the requests in my previous comment …I would like a People cover that says…NO, I am not deliberately trying to lose my adorable southern accent.
    And the article inside would say..Its just Lynnie’s imagination that my GLAAD intro of Tyra was completely and totally accent free. She is spreading rumors and has to be stopped.

  3. I think it is wonderful that “People” magazine covers Clay….I think they see the man and all he is…and they are kind to him…I love seeing pics and positive articles…because these are the true stories…. He is such a good caring man….and I could not respect this man more (but I will!!!!)

    Lynnie…I’m sure he’ll get the accent back once he returns home…he always does…I’m surprised he’s not talking with a British accent!!!! for being Sir Robin for 8 months!!!! hahahaha


  4. I also hope we get to see more Clay in people!!

    Lynnie, I don’t think Clay has lost his accent, I think he just used his I’m giving a speech in NYC voice 😉

  5. SueReu, I think you’re right. This definitely was professional Clay giving the speech in NYC.

    Now that he has the British accent down pat, he might as well have a few other options. I thought he was hysterical with the British accent.

    People does seem to love Clay and I hope they continue. I don’t recall ever seeing anything that was not complimentary to him. I think they have embraced him as an all round good guy …. just like we have. 🙂

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