Clay Aiken – From Japan To Germany

When we first started this blog in January, 2009, I don’t think I had any idea what to expect.  At the time, I thought it might be fun to write about and support Clay Aiken and the music field.  It was a new hobby and I wondered if anyone would actually read what I wrote.

This new project has become an exciting adventure and I am in awe at what has happened.  It is amazing to realize that Clay Aiken has fans all over the world. And, these fans are reaching out to get more information about him.  In their quest for more information about Clay, they click on our site and read the latest news and reviews of Clay.

It is so much fun to see readers from Japan to Germany; from Viet Nam to Israel; from Senegal to Costa Rica.  In the last 3 days, we have had visitors from 55 different and unique countries from every corner of the world.  And most of them have visited more than once.

I guess I was pretty naïve.  I did not know that Clay had fans in so many places in the world.  It would be fun to hear from some of our far-flung readers.  We would love to know how you learned about Clay Aiken and also learn  something about you.  Your comments would be enjoyed by all and don’t worry if English is not your first language.

Clay Aiken fans are some of the best people in the world.  Besides being supportive of Clay, they help and support their fellow fans with transportation, tickets, and just good, old-fashioned friendship.  I am so glad that our family has reached world-wide status.

There is no doubt that Clay would be successful touring internationally.  I hope that he has the opportunity to do that soon.

A big thank you to all of our readers for your support.  Your clicks and comments are appreciated.  Looking into the future, I can see a bright and exciting future for Clay.  With his talent and determination, he has the whole world in front of him. And you can count on CANN to be here, following and reporting on all his professional projects.

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

107 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – From Japan To Germany

  1. I am impressed. I had no idea Clay was known in so many countries. I am also pleased that so many people are reading this great blog. It is one of my favorites.

  2. I often visit this blog from Japan.
    There are a lot of TV programs to introduce overseas music and movies to in my country. In 2004, I watched video of ‘Invisible’ by one of this TV program and went to buy ‘MOAM’ on the next day. His gorgeous voice gave me chills!! And it will continue all the time in the future!!
    CANN, your blog conveys his splendor to Clay fans in the world. Great job!!
    Thank you for the wonderful articles and Clay’s news.

    • Claysidney……thank you for posting!! Clay’s singing gives me chills too!!

      I hope that you will get to see Clay in person sometime. He is awesome!!

      • Hi musicfan123, Thank you.
        I have not been to his concert. I always watched his clack. I want to go absolutely if he will do the concert next year.
        But I accidentally found the video of These Open Armes and SSTBTHW when I looked for other many Clack. He in the video is soooo wonderful, too! 🙂

  3. Clay Aiken’s voice has reached across language barriers and continents!! For the sake of Clay’s fans all over the world, I hope this new partnership with DECCA will give him the opportunity to perform in concert for those many fans throughout the world. I know many of them have traveled to concerts in this country, but what a thrill it would be for them to have Clay come to their hometowns!!

  4. Hello,
    here’s a fan from Prague, Czech Republic. Became Clay’s fan just a few months ago – noticed him because of his appearance on GLAAD media awards and the priceless cameo on 30 Rock. 🙂
    Even though I am a member of the OFC, I use this place as the primary source of Clay news (thanks to Twitter).
    Thanks a lot for doing this – and for pointing out the various concert footage that’s on YouTube…sadly I don’t have time to go through all the Clay video material that’s available on the interent – therefore I’m more than just happy – and very thankful for people picking the best for me! ;o)

    Big Thanks and greetings


    • Maj….welcome to CANN!! Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in the world!!

      It sounds like you are a new fan of Clay. I am glad that you are enjoying his music.

      Please post again!!

  5. Musicfan, thx for posting this.
    There’s my country flag Indonesia, really nice to see it!

    Thx for the great news, articles, and photos! On my country i only can see Clay from Cable TV, i always wait him to appear on E! but i only got a few news.
    So, i was searching some web which serves about Clay Aiken exclusively, and i found it! It is all Clay Aiken.

    Thx for all the articles that fulfill my knowledge about him,


    • Yamina, so glad you found CANN, hope you will come talk to us some, we would love to chat with you about Clay and I’m so if you have any questions someone here can answer it for you.

    • Yasmina……welcome!! I was lucky enough to visit your country a few years ago. What island are you on??

      Thank you for posting about yourself. I am glad that you enjoy Clay and CANN.

      • Thx, Clay went to Aceh, INA when he was Unicef Amb.
        I’m on Java, on Jakarta (capital city). So, what island/city did u go? (please write back)
        If u want to go to Indonesia again, just tell me. I’ll be happy to give u some information.


    • Welcome, Yasmina. It is great to see you here and others from outside the U.S.A. Please visit often. Clay’s voice reaches and touches so many hearts. Hopefully, Decca will have him have concert tour internationally.

  6. This website is so great! I really miss Clay’s Daily Double. Did you guys take over for them??? There hasn’t been any news there since the David Foster and Friends concert in May! I can’t wait for new music in 2010!!! I hope you keep up the great work for all us Clay Fans!!! I can’t wait for NEW music from Decca! I hope we don’t have to stay in touch to the message boards to find out when Clay’s next CD will be released!

    Clay needs his music advertised on MTV like Kelly Clarkson, Daughtry Carrie Underwood! Clay NEEDS international CD releases!

    Clay’s CD’s need to be released in 20+ countries like Kelly Daughtry and Carrie Underwood!

  7. ” In the last 3 days, we have had visitors from 55 different and unique countries from every corner of the world. And most of them have visited more than once.”


    I knew Clay Aiken had fans (a lot) in some countries,
    but 55 ? WOWZA –

    I hope your visitors will post a comment, this
    is a great blog and they can learn so much about
    Clay, watch his videos, and obtain new information
    about what Clay is doing…

  8. 55 countries checking out Clay Aiken,
    imagine that! You do have a really
    good blog, I’m glad to hear that Clay
    has signed with such a huge label…
    I love your videos and news, always
    stop by to see what’s happening with
    Clay and other Clay fans.

  9. This is amazing to hear that Clay has established fans in 55 different countries. I love hearing all the stories on how you found Clay. I hope that you will keep posting and keep coming to CANN. You do great work here.

  10. Hi to claysidney, yasmina & maj!!!! WELCOME!!!!

    So glad that you’re here. I’d love to hear from more of our international fans – I love to hear the stories, how did you find Clay? We know he was never promoted overseas so I find it so interesting!!!

    • We’re twitter friend Sue, CacaYzs.
      I watched him on AI, and FYI i was 8 years old! My mom is the first person who introduced Clay to me. I didn’t watch AI 1, but after she told me about clay, i always waited him, his voices are impressive!

      Hugs… 😀

  11. I’m reaching out to also say “Hello” to the international fans. I have been fascinated by watching the flags of the different countries on a daily basis. I love seeing your flags and countries show up to visit some on a daily basis, some less often, but still enough to check what is here. I hope to see you at a concert one day or in a video of a concert! 🙂

  12. Clay Aiken is amazing in so many ways. It’s such a delight to see how he has drawn so many wonderful fans from around the world without having any promotion.

    It’s been most enjoyable to read here how Clay Aiken was discovered by some of these very fans. Welcome to the Clay Nation everyone!!

  13. Hi Yasmina – My Twitter Friend!
    And hi to Claysidney and maj!
    I too would like to hear your back stories about finding Clay.
    I know Yasmina had problems finding Clay’s TVBOCA. How hard is it for everyone to find his music?

    • Hi Jan, long time no talk to on twitter. LOL
      I watched him on AI, and FYI i was 8 years old! My mom is the first person who introduced Clay to me. I didn’t watch AI 1, but after she told me about clay, i always waited him.

      It’s only TVBOCA my dear, coz it’s playlist. But, it so easy to find the others of Clay’s Album, like MOAM, ATDW, OMWH. I have 2 copies of MOAM and OMWH.

  14. I am originally from Iran and have been a Clay Aiken fan for six years, I also have a 94 year old mother who does not speak English but absolutely loves Clay’s voice.

    • clayam……I didn’t know you were from Iran. That makes you another international fan. And, I love the thought of your mother enjoying Clay.

  15. WOW – tons of info, this is a GREAT site,
    I’ll be back ! It’s good to feel the excitement
    of all the Clay fans, my friend (a clay fan)
    called me last night, she was so excited about
    the Decca/Universal contract she was talking
    in speed mode, I could barely understand her,
    just know she and I BOTH were ecstatic.

  16. Just got a google alert on this site, t’s wonderful!
    Thanks so much for all the information. I’m thrilled
    that Clay Aiken has so many fans abroad. I’m hoping
    too that with his new label, he will promoted internationally as well. I love his voice.

  17. Hello, fellow fans! Two birds with one stone here: an English girl in Germany!
    How I found him? Last September someone e-mailed me a You-Tube video “Achmed the Dead Terrorist” which is admittedly very funny but includes a – as I have since discovered – typical low-blow remark about a certain Clay Aiken. Having no idea who that was,I You-Tubed the name and landed on “BOTW”, closely followed by “UM” and I was HOOKED. Unfortunately you can’t find his CDs on the shelves here, thank God for Amazon. Your great site plus the “Clay Aiken Ideal Idol” site are now compulsory stops every evening. I said I was hooked! Love that guy…..

    • Hi Carleen!!! Welcome! I guess this can be the ONE TIME I’m glad that there was a low-blow remark about Clay 😉 !

      He is so talented and I hope *fingers crossed* Decca will have the intelligence his former label lacked and actually promote him overseas!

    • Carleen…….welcome to CANN. I am so glad that you found Clay Aiken. He is so talented. I hope you will have the opportunity to hear him live some day.

      Thank you for posting!!

  18. I am so glad that Clay has so many International Fans..and with no promotion at all. Welcome to all the Fans. Please feel free to come here and post and tell us how you came to know Clay.

    Here’s hoping that with his new label Universal/Decca he will be able to perform in your area’s.

  19. I am so stoked about Clay Aiken’s new contract; can
    not wait to have new music from him. 2010 seems
    like a loooooong way off; but he’s always worth
    the wait !@@!

    Thanks for a great blog =)

  20. I guess I’m not international enough to get honourable mention 😉 but I am north of your border!

    This is without doubt the best Clay Aiken site out there and I am so happy that it is reaching Clay’s fans all over the world. Just to let you real international fans (as opposed to local international fans like me)know, the gals that run this site are amazing people who dedicate a lot of time and energy to the site. If you want the real goods, you can be sure you will get it here.

    Thanks Musicfan, Sue and any others involved. You’ve done a magnificent job! Major kudos!!!!!

    • I think you’re international!!!! You’re international to me LOL!!!!

      Thanks for the very kind words 🙂

  21. Hello,

    It is wonderful to read how far CANN has spread the news of Clay Aiken in such a short time. It is also great to hear from some of the international readers.

    The Carolina On My Mind blog has readers from 125 countries, but I have never known discussion as you are experiencing at CANN.

    Congratulations to you and your staff!


  22. What a wonderful blog! I LOVE hearing from Clay’s international fans. It just warms my heart to know that people from all over the world are somehow getting to hear his voice and fall in love with him just as we American fans have. And those of you who shared your “discovery” stories….thank you.

    Please, all of you internationalists, tell us how you discovered Clay. Also, I’d love to know if you have friends you share your fanhood with. Until I discovered the internet (after AI2), I thought I was the only woman “of an age” who was hooked on Clay Aiken. What fun when I found out there were a TON of us!

  23. I LOVE THIS SITE! I love Clay and you always seem
    to have the latest news about him. I stop by a few
    times a day just to keep current with what’s happening.
    I love his voice, he truly is unique. I’m very pleased
    he has decided to go with the #1 Decca/Universal; hope
    it means MORE Clay – it will be exciting to hear his
    new songs. Only wish I didn’t have to wait until 2010.

  24. Hello, like Carole, I am north of the border, Toronto to be exact (Please have a concert here, Clay!!). *Waves* to all. Not exactly international, but I was born and bred in Malaysia, so maybe you can still stick me under that category. 😀

    In addition to Carleen’s positive end to a low-blow remark, let’s just say, I would not have joined the fan club or visited CANN if not for Clay’s a-little-too-honest remark about Adam. I was content just to watch him sing from in YouTube and that’s what I did for the first few months I discovered Clay around March this year (got hooked by acapella version of Star Spangled Banner). I just had to find out the truth and it was pretty nasty out there, digging through all the junk when finally I found CANN. What a nice place for fans. I just think Clay fans are wonderful because he is wonderful. Needless to say, I could not find a single shred of real evidence that can tarnish his spotless reputation. You can tell he has a solid background and is just wise beyond his age to be able to handle himself so well, thrown into the limelight at a young age and still remain as normal as anyone can be in that industry.

    Got to go. Waves to all. Have a great day! I love CANN!

    • Anna, love your story!! Yes, this would be the place for the real news about Clay Aiken 🙂

      Here’s hoping a Toronto show is in your future!

  25. Wow! I left this morning with just a couple of comments here and now we have so many wonderful comments and many from our international and Canadian fans!!! Welcome all!! I loved reading everyone’s comments! This site IS amazing with all the work that goes into it and the factual information on Clay and so many other Clay-related topics!!! Thank you, thank you to all who put so much effort into this site!

  26. 55 countries!! That is wonderful. I am so glad that Clay has reached out to so many people. I am also proud that CANN is read throughout the world.

    This blog really serves a great purpose. AND…….it is accurate and fair.

    Thanks to all who shared their stories with us.

  27. Welcome to ClaySydney, Maj, and Yasmina!! I hope you continue to post, it’s always exciting to meet Clay fans around the world !

    This blog has tons of info re Clay, it’s got great
    videos and music to listen to also.

    Again, welcome !!

  28. Hello My name is Rossy and I’m from Colombia. I love Clay since 2003 when the SONY channel from latinoamerica transmitted American Idol … I Love Clay since their first appearance until now.

    Thinking of people who do not speak English (like me) and want to learn more about clay I have tried subtitles in Spanish some videos of CLAY and promote the sites with information on Spanish clay.

    Thanks for this blog. I read it every day and every hour.

    Sorry for my english

    Big hugs

    • Claycolombia,

      Your english is just fine.
      I love that Clay has fans from all over the world and I enjoy reading all of the comments.
      Glad you love Clay and this blog. I also read it every day.
      We are all looking forward to Clay’s next CD!!

    • Hi Rossy…….thanks for the post. I hope that you will keep in touch with us. Clay is really talented and I am glad that you have followed him for so many years.

      Your English is great. You should be very proud!!

    • ((( Rossy ))) how wonderful to have you here!! Your English is far superior to my Spanish 😀

      Very cool about putting subtitles on Clay videos!!!!

  29. Hello to Carlene, ClaySydney, Maj, Yasmina and Claycolombia! (As well as our fellow Canadian fans). It is so good to see you post! Please don’t apologize for your english, I’d love to hear your thoughts and stories any way you can tell it! Claycolombia, I think I have seen some of your you-tube videos and enjoyed them!

  30. Hi to all of Clay’s International fans. Hi to Mariko and all the Clay Fan in Japan. It was an honor to meet her and several other gals in NY during Clay’s CD Release in May! Mariko, Hariko and a dear friend from Texas, Sondra Dillard, stayed with me for a brief visit here in York, PA, It was great fun meeting gals from so far away and showing them around Amish Country!
    Clay has so many devoted fans worldwide…I do hope one day they will have the opportunity to get to enjoy Clay as we have!! The experience is truly a joy…his humor and glorious voice transcends anything I have ever experienced!
    Hugs to all….Cookie

  31. How cool is this! This site brings fans from all backgrounds, and all countries together. I really enjoy hearing people’s stories on how they met Clay.

  32. WOW…this is just amazing!! Clay fans in over 55 countries!! I really hope that Decca will promote Clay international because for all of you to see Clay in person will definitely be a wonderful experience!! His amazing voice plus his stage presence compares to noone else…he is one of a kind!

    YES..I agree CANN is the best…Kudos to all the work you all do to make this site what it is. Thank you!!

    BTW…is is 2010 yet?????LOL

  33. 55 countries, I LOVE IT!!!! So awesome to see Clay fans from around the world. I found this site through Twitter, and really, it’s the only Twitter update that I really LOOK for. 🙂 Thanks for all the effort into this site. 🙂

  34. This is one of the site I visit everyday from Malaysia.

    It all started when I was in New York on holiday last December, saw Spamalot and really enjoyed Clay. When I returned, I scanned the net and lived through all the clarks from his debut audition to the most current. And my admiration for this man grew and grew. Bought all his CDs but could not get his christmas CD here anymore.

    My Admiration for Clay goes beyond his voice, I think he is truly sincere, highly intelligent, tremendrously kind, extremely witty, very gracious….and as he grew, he has added astuteness, self-confidence, wisdom, empathy….He has grown into a man that I really respect and love.

    And yes if there is a Clay tour, I plan to attend and perhaps meet some of you then.

    Thank you, thank you and thank you for this site and all other such sites too.

    • Hi! I can mail you the Christmas CD if you still havent been able to get it. Just let me know.

      Welcome! Maybe we were standing next to each other at the stage door at Spamalot and didnt know it. lol. I hope Clay tour internationally now through Decca label.

      • You are so sweet. I appreciate that. This is the uniqueness of the Claymates and I love being a part of it.

  35. I was already impressed with this site and now to see you and Clay reaching so many countries, what an accomplishment!!!

    Great job and Thanks for all you do for the Clay fans.

  36. Hi to Claysidney and Cookie! I enjoyed reading your posts here. There are lots of devoted Clay fans in Asia and we all hope that he considers doing concerts in Asia. We enjoy listening to his music, adore his self-deprecating humor, admire his big heart. On top of that, we’ve also had a circle of Clay fan friends all over the world. We thank him for bringing us together.
    CANN is the most informative and enjoyable site for Clay fans. Biggest thank-you from Japan to the MODs of CANN!

  37. Hi to CANN members and Mariko!
    Thank you for welcoming me 🙂
    And I say hello to Clay fans of 55 countries! Let’s hope Clay does the world tour after next year!!!

  38. Hola CAN and all the fans of Clay aiken:
    Greetings from Spain!!!. Yes we know Clay Aiken thanks to youtube and I must say I love Clay Aiken hahaha. I love his music and the great person he is. And because there is to much information about him in English a friend of mine and I decided to open a web site dedicated to Clay Aiken all in Spanish. Everyone is invited to visit it:

    Hugs and congratulation for this marvelous web/blog site

    • *waves back to Spain*

      What a wonderful website!!! GREAT JOB!!! Let us know if you need anything to add – we’re always more than happy to help (and talk, like lots)


      • Hi SueReu

        Thank you very much!!. It is a pleasure for us that you like it. I will let you know if we need something to add. Also if you see something you like hehe let me know. I love your blog and I wait everyday to open my email for reading your wonderful news. Thank you very much for all.
        Hugs and kisses

    • Wow, how cool is this. I found this site last week. I really enjoyed listening to your player, which has a variety of Clay’s songs dating back to the pre-idol days. Great site, and I don’t even have to be able to read Spanish to see that.

  39. Welcome to all of Clay’s international fans. xoxox

    Clay Aiken News Network is an incredible place to see Clay’s news.

    Thank you CANN for sending emails every day. I love this site!

  40. Hi Carlene, ClaySydney, Maj, Yasmina and Claycolombia vitoclayadicta, Ester-C and Mariko Tsuzaki! How wonderful to see you here! I’m amazed at how many different ways you have found him! Vitoclayadicta, your web page is very nice! I could listen to the singing all day!

    • Hi Hope:

      Thank you very much. I am glad you visit it and you like it. It is a pleasure hehehe. Thank you to youtube we could discover Clay internationally. Hope one day he will come and visit us. Here in Spain can’t find his music , hope the next CD will be released internationally. I am crossing fingers.
      Hugs and kisses

      • You’re very welcome, but I can see you have worked very hard on your web page! I also hope his CD is released internationally and that he considers going overseas also!

  41. Hello to all the Clay fans all over the world. I really hope DECCA will promote Clay internationally and let him tour worldwide so more fans can experience a concert in person. Clack is great, but the real thing is so much better.

  42. Hi Carlene, ClaySydney, Maj, Yasmina and Claycolombia vitoclayadicta, Ester-C and Mariko Tsuzaki! Love seeing you all finding CANN. Why Clay hasn’t been promoted internationally is a mystery to me. Hopefully with the new label he will be.

    There is nothing like seeing Clay Aiken live in concert!!! I can’t wait to hear that voice singing new music!

  43. Hi I am a new fan from Malaysia. I read your webpage everyday and turn on CANN Radio when I go about my house chores.It makes me very happy to find out that Clay has so many international fans and that he has signed with Decca/Universal.Hope his new label will treat him nicer than the other one and give his music more promotion and exposure.He really deserves it!It is quite difficult to find his albums here.So far I have managed to track down two i.e OMWH and ATDW.Still hunting for MOAM and hope to strike it lucky.Suprisingly it is so easy to get Carrie U,Kelly C,Chris D,the 2 Davids and Jordin S.Something is definitely wrong somewhere!!!Hope Decca puts it right.
    I found Clay on Astro Starworld -Who’s smarter than a 5th Grader.Don’t know who he is,but he struck me as someone who is very intelligent and lively.He is also so earnest and sincere about his children and their holiday camps.For every question he answered, he will always calculate on the number of camps he can set up.Struck me again when he refused to take a gamble on his children’s happiness and dropped out of school.(Actually he had the correct answer and he still has his cheats!).A lesser man would have put caution to the wind and pander to his ego.At that point, I turned to hubby and asked”WHO is Clay Aiken?”.Hubby looked back at me blankly.
    I googled him up and found that he was the runnerup to AI! Never followed AI.Only stopped to watch AI 7 finals to check whether that cute cute little boy or the other scruffy guy won!(Only found out later that both are named David).
    That’s how I found Clay.Later I checked out You tube on his performances on AI.It was like OMG!!! What did I miss this 6 years??? I got hooked on his voice.Mesmerising!!!
    Then came hulabaloo over Adam. That is when I really search the web far and wide for news.Was quite disappointed initially over what I read about what transpired.Then I dug deeper and I read Clay’s blog in full and found out that the whole thing was really blown out of proportion by the celebrity writeups.Actually I agreed with Clay on Adam.He has a nice voice,I do like him at first.It is just that he ‘Adamised’ his songs too much and my ears do suffer too.We used to put TV on silent mode when we see him start to scream…Clay was being honest,He really did not have to apologise for telling the truth.I read that Daughtry, Bo Bice and others also have their critisms as regards you know who…they never apologised too.
    Clay is a talented singer with a great personality.I am glad I became a fan, a bit late into the wagon nonetheless, but I am here!!!

    • Jenn……..Welcome to CANN. I love hearing how you “found” Clay. He is an amazing young man.

      I hope you will post often. It’ fun to have people all over the world talk about Clay and his music.

      • Normally I would read and enjoy the nice posts and comments from the others. Us Asians are usually more introvert by nature.Once or twice when I am really worked up by one of the posts, I will post a reply.However, I will try to shake myself out of my shell and respond more.Nice to know I can make new friends who share the same taste in music.

  44. Hello to fans from all over the world and a special hello to fellow Malaysian Ester-C and Jenn. 😀

    Enjoying all the stories and posts.

  45. Hello!
    First of all, Thank You so much for this blog, it really is an amazing source for all things Clay.
    My name is Daina, I am a rather new fan from Latvia (which is a pretty small country in the North-East Europe). Have been a fan for about a year since one of my online pals made a not-so-nice reference. Anyway, Clay is an inspiration.
    Too bad we really hear Nothing about him here, we can’t buy his music in stores (so thanks God for Amazon). They only started showing Idol from season 6, so…
    Anyway, I’m so happy I found him! He’s such an amazing talent and person.
    Can’t wait for the new music.

    • Daina! Welcome to CANN. I am so glad that you said hello. I hope you have a chance to see the videos we have on the site. I hope that helps!!

      Please comment more often. It is great to hear form fans all over the world.

      • Well Thank you very much! I couldn’t be happier to have found this place! You’re doing an amazing job!

        Thanks to your site (and other Clay-related Internet sources’I’ve really managed to kinda live through the last 6 Clayyears in about 1 year. lol I couldn’t be more thankful for all the material that can be found on the net! 🙂

        I’ll make sure to comment more often 😉

    • Hi Daina and welcome!!!

      I’m so glad that you were able to find Clay, he’s one of a kind – a voice of gold and a heart that matches.

      I’m so excited for Decca and new music!! Cannot wait to hear what he has in store for us!!

      • Yes, that was a lucky coincidence! I couldn’t be more thankful

        When I heard that Clay has joined Decca I was like WOW (Bocelli and Sting being two of my favorite artists ever)

        I’m going to Andrea Bocelli concert in the beginning of September, so I’m sure I’ll be sitting there, thinking “Will Clay ever perform in Europe?” please, please, please

        • hi. i am from mongolia. i am very proud to be
          part of the claynation. here in mongolia we started to watch AI from season 4. i rendomly
          find out on youtube clays performance. since
          that i became huge fan of him. i am sure that
          many mongolians love clay. i always wonder why
          clay is not nominated for grammy or MTV music
          awards. as i know he just got one or two from
          AMA. MOst of his songs could be released as single and hits the chart. HIS ONE OF THE BEST LIVE PERFORMER EVER.

  46. suereu, is that you who made lovely montages about clay?
    if yes, thank very much for that wonderful work. i am mongolian. i am huge fan of clay aiken. my writing in english so bad. sorry.

    • navchaa……welcome……I am so glad you introduced yourself. I agree with you that Clay is the best! I don’t understand why he has not been nominated for a Grammy either.

      Your english is wonderful. I hope you will post often!!

  47. i want to add in above what i wrote. i wondering, why clay
    aiken cd promotion is so poor. he has sang so many wonderful songs. Why clays music is not advertised on
    MTVasia like Kelly Clarkson, Jordan Sparks, Chris Daughtry
    and etc. Why Clays music video is so rare. why so many his
    wonderful songs are not in the chart. His so hard working.
    Just one example. Since AI he recorded 5 album. Justin
    Timberlike since he started his solo career only 2 and got
    so many awards. Clay not. it is so unfair. But he will get
    all credits that he deserves. Sorry about my english again.

  48. MUSICFAN123.
    I will post in here so often you will tell me enough. i am
    joking. You are so kind. Thank you for your reply.
    finally i find out this wonderful site. thanks to everyone.

    • Welcome, navchaa. Sorry to hear about your difficulties with the internet. I agree, Clay is ONE OF THE BEST LIVE PERFORMER EVER.

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