Clay Aiken – Can You Help?

The National Inclusion Project grew out of the relationship between Clay Aiken and Diane Bubel and Diane’s then 13-year-old son, Mike who had been diagnosed with autism.

Clay pursued a degree in special education from UNC-Charlotte. He completed an independent study project where he created a foundation that focused on providing the support system for recreational and educational programs around the country to open doors to children with disabilities that had thus far remained closed.  Both Diane and Clay realized that an organized effort could encourage and facilitate community inclusion and empowerment of individuals with disabilities.

This shared goal grew into reality on July 28, 2003. Since that time, the National Inclusion Project has established itself as a leading voice for inclusion.

The National Inclusion Project serves to bridge the gap that exists between young people with disabilities and the world around them. They partner with communities and inclusive programs creating awareness about the possibilities that inclusion can bring.

Many of you are aware that The National Inclusion Project is involved in the Facebook giving challenge done by Chase Community Giving. Over the weekend, some others had a surge in voting and they have fallen out of the top 200 and $20,000. (That’s 2 camps!)

They need your help, please. Pass this on, put on message boards, blogs, etc. If you have another charity you are voting for in the challenge, see if there’s a mutual voting relationship you can use. Creative, desperate, enthusiastic…whatever you have to be, it’s worth it. J

Here’s the process:
1. Click:
2. Make sure that you’ve hit “Like” at the top of the page for Chase.
3. Click the button to Vote.
4. Then click the button to Share on your Facebook wall.
5. Only one vote per person allowed.

The following  is one of the most beautiful videos I have seen on The National Inclusion Project.  You really need to watch this video.  If your heart doesn’t swell with pride for all that the National Inclusion Project has accomplished, or if you don’t immediately ask what you can do to help………..well………you get the point.  SueReu, you are some amazing lady.  Thank you for all you do for Clay and The National Inclusion Project.

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

3 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Can You Help?

  1. Well crap, now I'M crying!! Thank you very much – but it's easy to put things together when you truly believe in the cause. I've had personal experience in seeing young people grow because of inclusion – and it's not just the child with the disability, it's every person in that room. We had a young man with Downs Syndrome join our Tae Kwon Do school – when he started, he couldn't even tell his right from his left. Several years down the road, and with the help of both the teachers and his typically developing peers, he tested and received his Black Belt. He took the exact same test as everyone else and passed with flying colors. There was not one person in that room who did not have a sense of pride and accomplishment – not just for Gregory's accomplishment, but for their own participation in that achievement. There is nothing like watching a child learn, grow, flourish – nothing. So I have to thank Clay Aiken, Diane Bubel, Mike Bubel and the rest of the people who are running The National Inclusion Project on a daily basis. I know what it's like to make a difference in the life of one child – how about the rest of you? Make that difference today.

  2. Thank you Musicfan for this article and suerue for this wonderful video . The National Inclusion Project is close to my heart and I support Clay Aiken and his project wholeheartedly.
    Anyone who has a facebook account can vote for the Chase Community give away…lets make it happen!

  3. This video and article is absolutely outstanding. I hope it reaches out and touches everyones lives as it has mine.

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