If you want to feel some excitement and pride for Clay Aiken, visit the Decca Records Website. On their community page, they have seven lists that rate their music stars in different categories. It is wonderful to see that Clay is listed four times on the lists. It certainly put a smile on my face.
Most Views – Video
#1 Clay Aiken on The View
Highest Rating Products
#1 Tried and True (Deluxe)
#2 Tried and True (DVD)
Most Views – Products
#2 Tried and True Clay Aiken
To visit the page, visit DeccaMusic
The following video from Decca is pretty amazing too!!
This is really nice to see. I haven't been over to the Decca site for quite some time now…. Love to see Clay on there…. Thanks Musicfan..
Love your blog and look forward to receiving it each day! It's always informative and well researched and containing many Clay memories. I'm happily anticipating 2011 and all the new Clay events and surprises that may be in store! Thanks for all your hard work and effort you put into this blog.
Good to read this. I wish Clay and Decca a long and wonderful partnership with great music to come!
I went to the Decca page and was very proud to see Clay Aiken on those lists!! Thanks for your work on your blog.
Thanks for the info about Clay Aiken on the Decca site. I went over there to see it. Pretty ding dang impressive! I'm so proud of him!
Thank you for sharing the Decca site info about Clay Aiken. This is really great to know. Thank you, too, for your kind remarks in the Carolina blog.
Have a wonderful New Year!
Hadn't been to the Decca site in a while. So great to see that he is still at the top of the lists!!
Hope Decca is as proud of him as we are.