Clay Aiken wowed the crowd at the Cobb Energy Center in Atlanta Wednesday, February 16 as he made performed his 5th concert on his Tried & True Concert. The reports from those in attendance said that Clay was in fine voice, relaxed and looking handsome in his navy blue colored sweater.
A highlight of the Atlanta concert was Clay’s talk with “Pam.” Clay shared with the audience all the information about the cellcerts and his idea about what it was. He was cute as he described the concept and was almost proud of the fans that put it together.
Please check in later today as I will post clack as it becomes available. So far, none has become available.
While Clay is touring, there are many article and news tidbits that are found about Clay and his musical career.
Published: Thu, February 17, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m.:
A grown-up Clay Aiken sticks to ‘Tried & True’
By John Benson
Clay Aiken has finally grown up. Or so he feels regarding his latest album, “Tried & True,” which features covers from the ’50s and ’60s such as “Unchained Melody,” “Crying” and “Mack the Knife.”
It’s been an interesting road for the Season 2 “American Idol” runner-up, who unlike others in his position has parlayed 15-minutes of fame into a recording career that includes more than 5 million albums sold. Over the past few years, the 32-year-old Raleigh, N.C., native has reinvented himself from sappy pop singer into a Broadway (“Spamalot”) and television (“30 Rock” and “Scrubs”) actor. Though he came out in 2008, that topic was off-limits during a recent phone interview to discuss Aiken’s show Friday at Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Library Music Hall and Saturday date at Cleveland’s Palace Theatre.
The Vindicator talked to Aiken about his memories of Northeast Ohio, how his new album captures his dapper side and his “American Idol” past.
Q. Over the years, you’ve enjoyed quite a following in Cleveland. What stands out about your local audience?
A. We actually have a lot of luck in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan. The swing states for some reason work out really well. There are several fans I can think of in particular who are from Cleveland. I won’t mention their names, but they’re colorful and always the way I think of that city. They just come to the show. There is one lady in particular who likes to be called Granny. She’s a huge [Cleveland] Indians fan and very early on, eight years ago, she started coming to shows. She’s been very enthusiastic. I’m sure she’ll be there.
Q. As far as your new album, “Tried & True,” what was the idea behind recording ’50s and ’60s songs?
A. They’re songs I grew up listening to, and I say artistically, they’re a little bit more close to home to me. It’s a sound, a vibe, an energy I feel more comfortable doing. I enjoyed doing all of the other albums I’ve done, but when I sing in the shower or when nobody is around, these are the kinds of songs I gravitate towards. They’re more musically significant to me, and I think melodically and lyrically, they’re stronger than most things you hear on the radio nowadays. Now it’s more about the producer than it is the singer.
Q. Staying with “Tried & True,” the album cover finds you looking quite dapper, which isn’t always your image.
A. It’s about time I grew up (laughs). The whole concept of the cover was to go along with the sound itself, which it came from my house. When I built my house, my mom decorated my game room with her old LP covers from the ’50s. She framed them and put them on the wall. And as we were doing this album, I looked at them and thought they all have a very similar feel to them; always a very well-dressed professional almost looking dapper. They all have the same vibe. So let’s do the new album cover like that.
Q. Did you realize at the time you were making something straight out of “Mad Men?”
A. You know what? I didn’t but I wish they’d use it.
Q. Let’s switch topics to “American Idol.” We have to ask what you think of the current season’s new lineup featuring judges Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler?
A. I haven’t watched it in about six years, so I have not seen enough to have an opinion. The only thing I can base an opinion on would be the fact I know who they are. The fact they are both performers I think is nice. With the exception of Paula, there really hasn’t been anybody on the panel who is a performer and knows what it’s like to get on stage. So that’s a benefit.
Q. Finally, do you think you’ll ever officially be out of the “American Idol” shadow?
A. First, you’d have to assume it’s a shadow. I’m not so sure it is. It still shines a pretty big light. I don’t know if one ever does leave that to be honest, but I think after eight years, people for the most part recognize me for me. I think I’ll always be — or at least as long as the show is on the air — be considered or introduced as being from “American Idol.” And that’s fine; that’s how I got here.
Be sure and visit this great site and let the author know you enjoy reading about Clay. It’s the best way to thank the author and the site!
Kellie B. Gormly writes for the PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE-REVIEW. She posted an article on Wednesday, February 16, 2011. This great interview allowed Clay to talk about many topics. Kellie starts the article by saying:
Pop star Clay Aiken sometimes wonders whether he was born in the wrong era, since he has such an affinity for oldies music from his parents’ time, in the ’50s and ’60s.
With two musician parents, music was always playing around the North Carolina home where Aiken grew up. Some of the old favorites he heard all the time — like “Suspicious Minds,” “It’s Only Make Believe,” “Moon River” and “Crying” — ended up as cuts on his fifth studio album, “Tried and True,” his first with Decca Records. Aiken, who is bringing his “Tried and True” tour to Munhall on Friday, says he feels right at home on this album, which was almost effortless.
Clay also talked about his Christian beliefs:
“I think Christians get a bad rap sometimes because the loud mouthpieces are more hypocritical,” Aiken says. “I know plenty of Christians who are supportive and loving and accepting.”
I appreciate this article by Kellie Gormly. There does not seem to be a place to leave comments, but left of the article, Kellie does leave her e-mail. I bet she would love to get a few e-mails letting her know how much we enjoyed this positive article.
You can read the entire article at
AuspOp is a site in Australia that reports on pop music. On Wednesday, the site listed
March 11
Clay Aiken – Tried And True (CD/DVD)
Clay Aiken – Tried And True Live (DVD)
I am sure the Australians will fall in love with Clay and his wonderful CD.
What would we do without Scarlett?? The following YouTubes are from the Houston concert.
Good articles. Thanks for the links and of course the wonderful videos!
I was at the Orlando concert and it was fantastic……………………………..
Thanks Musicfan, for all the articles, and videos.. There is so much lately, it's hard to keep up…but that is ok….I am loving all the press. If there is one thing everyone agrees on….Clay has the most amazing voice….. He never needs a gimick, just raw talent….
It was so funny hearing Clay talk about the cellcert concept that we depend on when unable to go to one of his concerts. He knows us soooo well, And NOTHING gets past him.
Thanks for the great blog and videos! Clay. I'm so behind, I haven't had a chance to listen to Clay talking about the cellcert concept, but I can't wait to hear it. I just adore that man!