Today’s blog doesn’t have many words, but it has some great pictures of Clay Aiken. A big thank you to my friend, Magicalmusic who put together these great pictures. An unexpected family event left me without the time to write.
I know its not Christmas, but these great pictures are worth a look. In 2005, Clay toured throughout the country on his 2nd Joyful Noise Tour.
The 2005 tour featured songs from Clay’s platinum-selling “Merry Christmas with Love,” the best-selling new holiday album of 2004. The song list was different from the 2004 tour, and included a number of songs Clay recorded for the album that didn’t appear on the CD, as well as new arrangements for some traditional favorites. The tour also featured a new element – a series of vignettes with a running storyline, written by Clay.
Do you have a favorite?
Ah, in the white suit, looking like an angel, lol. Thanks for the fantastic pictures!
I hope your family emergency is over with and everything is okay..
It's hard to pick a favorite out of these! Wow, how beautiful he was. Fifth from the top is totally hawt! Second from the top is really sweet! In the first one he looks like butter-wouldn't-melt-in-his mouth. I love them all!
Number 5. OMG
I kind of like the 5th picture down..but they are all nice. This was a great tour, and so special because Clay wrote it. He incorporated his music into the play. He's got so much talent. I saw this in Youngstown, Ohio, and got to shake Clay's hand after the concert..It was a great night. Thanks Musicfan and Magicalmusic for the article and pictures.
I agree with Penguin up above. #5 O.M.G. Totally Hawt! I loved that particular Christmas Show with all the little stories…Clay did write it…and was very proud of it. He did a great job. Loved the show. Went to the Kings Center in Melbourne, Fl. with my daughter and granddaughter to see it. Awesome show. Hope he records another Christmas Album and does another Christmas Tour. I miss them.
I love them all, but I think the first picture is my favorite. Clay looked so good in that white suit.
I play his Christmas songs year round. They are too good to limit them to only one month a year.
A little late in commenting. Was a great day for gardening. My choice of a favorite is Claydreamer's dreamy #3 photo. Always love Clay's subtle smile and the slight head tilt. Looks like he's quite pleased about something. Great photos as usual.
The 6th photo is my favorite because of the lighting and THAT look Clay is giving us. It's one HAWT photo.
I have to say #2 for me….I love that cute smile…knocks me down every time…it will never change! "sigh"………..