Did you have a chance to visit the Official Fan Club for Clay Aiken today? If so, you probably saw the following announcement.
We at ground (ctrl) are proud to announce the release of our first app for the iPhone! The new app allows you to access all of your favorite ground (ctrl) sites – including clayaiken.com – all from the palm of your hand!
- Access latest news, media, and tour schedules
- View order history and tracking information
- Purchase tickets for upcoming events
- Manage messages and friend requests
Along with this new message was a picture of the app. Unfortunately, ground (ctrl) chose to publish a graphic with a picture of another singer on it. It only took about 5 minutes before the comments started up. Except for two posters, the fans were disappointed that the picture of another artist would be used as promotion on Clay’s Fan Club. It didn’t take long to fill the pages with complaints.
So, instead of posting the original picture here, I am posting a wonderful ad by one of Clay’s fans. Thank you, Cotton, for showing us how it should look.
What do you think? Were you offended by the graphic posted by ground (ctrl)? Do you think they should fix it or remove it from the fan club site? And, lastly, are you going to download the app?
Today is Bastille Day
France celebrates Bastille Day on July 14. Bastille Day is the equivalent of America’s July 4th. It is celebrated across France. Celebrations include fireworks, parades, and Fireman’s Galas, in which firehouses across France open their doors to the public for a night of partying.
Bastille Day remembers the end of the French monarchy and the beginning of the French Revolution.
The French had good reason to rebel. The corrupt king and queen’s actions were causing the poor to go hungry and the wealthy, middle-class merchants and businessmen were tired of not having their concerns heard. By the late 1780s, people in France were fed up and so they began speaking out and met in groups to demand that new laws be made. King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette tried to quiet everyone, but the citizens eventually rebelled.
The flag of France has three colors; Blue, white and red. They symbolize the Republic’s three ideals: Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity for all French citizens.
So…to all our French readers, we wish you a wonderful holiday.
Woohoo! I love my iPhone, I'm off to get the app!!
Happy Bastille Day to our French friends!
musicfan, if I could figure out how to download that app I would! Shame that another photo was put on the "ad". I saw all the complaints… wasn't pretty *g*.
I definitely was offended and it really showed they don't know their clients! To put that picture on a Clay Aiken site showed a total lack of understanding and should be removed.
I believe any true claymate would find it offensive. I don't like the way they promote this AD, so unprofessional. There is no excuse but to replace it with any Clay's pic. I am even more furious when seeing ppl's comment on twitter. They are laughing at us.
i cant beleve that adam was on there insed of clay im angry i am ofended
I do not have an iPhone, so the apps don't excite me. As far as being able to access Clay's official site, that leaves something to be desired. I am a paid up member, of the fan club site, but there is never anything current posted there. I get much more information from the CANN and have learned so much about the music business, and many other things. Thanks to musicfan and the teckie for all you do for Clay and his fans.
I like Cotton's ads a whole lot better.
Thankfully the ad has now been removed from the OFC.
I think its terrific that they offering this as an app, but I just dont get not using Clay's picture. I was speechless and I'm never speechless. Isn't it bad enough this type of thing is usually done to Clay by everyone else, but now even his own fan club. YIKES! Would love to know the thinking behind it. That might make me change my mind.
I don't know zip about iphones ,ipads,apps,etc., but I DO KNOW THAT USING ANOTHERS PICTURE TO ADVERTISE IT WAS UNTHINKABLE,A STAB IN THE BACK & ALL OTHER NEGATIVE THINGS THAT ONE CAN THINK OF .Whoever did that is probably an undercover fan of that person. I can't even bring myself to say his name, i'm so mad.The ONLY pic should be CLAY, CLAY, CLAY. Glad it was changed to how it should have been.
Since there is a history of negative feelings between both artists and most members of their fan clubs, it would have been wise to attempt to circumvent using Adam's photo in the ad and replacing it with Clay's in the OFC announcement.
Seeing the brouhaha it caused, the only word I could think of for everyone was "SHUSH", to borrow a Clay quote.
It's good that the OFC's main page photo of the ad has been removed. Ground Control did try to explain the "OOPS" – well sort of.
Thanks for the info about the France's Bastille Day and the revolution. Almost had one at the OFC.
I was totally offended by the picture. It was just sloppy marketing by Ground Control. We had every right to complain, when we are paying members of Clay's Fanclub. Why on earth would they think about posting another artists picture on Clay's fansite. I can only imagine the response if it was reversed… I'm glad they finally removed the picture. It only took Cotton a couple of minutes to put in Clay's picture, so Ground Control could have saved themselves an embarassment, and it could have saved Clay's fans angst. I wouldn't mind the app by Ground Control, if they were more up to date, and current…but we find out things long before they ever post them, which to me is sad. Even today, they still aren't current with all of Clay's appearances, which are coming up. If Grd. Control "FIXES IT". I may get the app…but I hope they get it together. I can get my news faster here on CANN..