Clay Aiken – The Future Looks Exciting!

On Friday, everywhere you looked there were arguments about the contestants on Celebrity Apprentice.  Who is the worst?  Who says too many “naughty” words?  Who do you dislike the most?  Who just needs to go?

Well…sorry to all…I got a bit tired of all of that.  I just tuned out!!  So…today, lets have a bit of fun.

Throughout the last few weeks, we have had some great pictures posted of Clay Aiken.  There are great people at both CV and the Clayboard who share screen-caps with all the fans.  Let look at a few of those today.  Please share which is your favorite.  It is always fun to see the favorites!









Thank you, Clay Aiken, for being a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice.  I hope you know how much your fans love your weekly appearances on NBC!

The future looks exciting!

If there is exciting news about Clay or Celebrity Apprentice, I will post it  as soon as I can.  Today seemed to be only a re-hash of the entire week.  These pictures just made me feel good and forget the silly arguments!!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

18 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – The Future Looks Exciting!

  1. I love all of them – as usual! But he has a questioning look

    as if he is waiting for a remark or answer! The last one looks

    like he isn’t pleased with the remark or answer!!!! 🙂

    Clay’s face is amazing with expressions – It is so open and

    shows just who and what he is all about!! Love that about him –

    he is always engaged in whatever is going on. <3

  2. #6 makes me feel like mush! He is so fricken gorgeous! Thanks musicfan! I love all the pictures by the way, lol!

  3. Sooo cute! Clay is very photogenic, love all his expressions, can't pick any one pic, so nice to be able to see him on tv every week! thanks for posting all the news, truly enjoy this every morning with my coffee. Love you Clay.

  4. I love it!!! Like you, I try not to get sucked into the negativity but do so love the excitement this man has created for us! Thanks for the pics!!!

  5. As always, I love all the pics, but I really like #3. It has been so much fun waiting for Sunday nite to come around.

  6. The many looks of Clay Aiken. How to choose just one? I can’t. You can almost see the wheels turning in his head as he listens, digests, and plans his next moves.

  7. #3 for me! Love them all because they are all Clay and his different expressions. You could tell a story with just his expressions.

  8. OMG! It is so hard! I have been trying to make up my mind between #3 & #7. I love his hair in both of them. Just combed over to the side. I think I will have to go with #7. He looks so sexy there.

  9. Oh! Clay is such a handsome man. Thank you for posting all these wonderful pictures.

    Tomorrow we get to see Clay on our TV's again!! I can't wait.

    Many thanks for all you posted this week. I loved every day!


  11. musicfan, thank you once again for giving us some Clay for the day. Love that face, it is SO expressive… Can't pick just a single fave, but my top 3 are:
    #5 — it's just how he looks when he's about to grin and banter with somebody, check out some of his concert banter vids, LOL; #6 — it's the way he looks at kids, gentle and questioning, you'll tell that face anything; and #8 — looks like he doesn't believe THAT story at all, and is gonna say something snarky, haha.
    The rest are more serious, all are handsome… what's not to love???

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