Clay Aiken – The Day After Christmas

It is December 26 – the day after Christmas.  I hope this blog finds you remembering the day with excitement and many fond memories.

Clay Aiken started the day with a tweet:

Clay Aiken ‏@clayaiken
May the joy of the season surround you. Merry Christmas With Love! Xoxo

I am sure we all hope that Clay had a wonderful day with his family and friends…and hopefully had time for a nap to help him catch up from his wonderful tour!  The wonderful memories of The Joyful Noise 2012 will be with us all for a long time!

Did you know that today is Boxing Day?

Boxing Day takes place on December 26th and is only celebrated in a few countries.  It was started in the UK about 800 years ago, during the Middle Ages.  It was the day when the alms box, collection boxes for the poor often kept in churches, were traditionally opened so that the contents could be distributed to poor people.  Some churches still open these boxes on Boxing Day.

The Christmas Carol, Good King Wenceslas, is set on Boxing Day and is about a King in the Middle Ages who brings food to a poor family.

It was also traditional that servants got the day off to celebrate Christmas with their families on Boxing Day.  Before World War 11, it was common for working people to travel to their delivery places and collect their Christmas Box or tip.  This tradition has now mostly stopped and any Christmas tips are not normally given or collected on Boxing Day.

Here are the answers to the Christmas Eve Christmas Carol Quiz.  How did you do??

1. Where do you hear Silver Bells? “And on every street corner you hear“,  Silver Bells…
Who danced with the silk hat on his head?  Frosty of course
 Where do you find Reindeer Paws?    Up on a housetop Reindeer Paws…
What did the noisy cattle do to wake the poor baby? The cattle were Lowing    
 When did I see three ships?  Sing it with me, I saw three ships come sailing  
in  on Christmas day in the morning.
What size were the Kings of the Orient? Well sing the first lines for the answer
They were tiny little Kings, they were wee…
 What helps to make the season bright?  
Everybody knows some turkey and some Mistletoe, help…..
Who wants a pair of hop-a-long boots, and a pistol that shoots?
That’s the hope of Barney and Ben –   cause it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…
Who still wants a hula-hoop? ALVIN!!! still wants a hula hoop
Who kept time to the drum? Along with the drummer boy  
The Ox and Lamb kept time”   ba rum bum bum bum
Who and what color was the animal that gave the hay to pillow his head 
I said
 the cow all white and red , I gave him my hay to pillow his head. 
from  “The Friendly Beasts”
The hopes and fears of all the years are met in  Thee” or in the little town of Bethlehem.
What would keep me warm all the way home? But if you really hold me tight, 
all the way home I’ll be warm.  Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
What does Susie want? Jolly old St Nicholas says “Susie wants a Dolly”
Why does the child want his two front teeth?  So he can wish you Merry Christmas or (whistle?)
What was the other reindeers name? (she used to laugh and call him names)
Olive the other reindeer”
What was the horse in Jingle bells named? The bells on Bob-tail rang, so his name was Bob
When will I finally go?  I’ll wish you a merry Christmas,
but I won’t go until I get some, (or  figgy pudding)
What color is Christmas without you?  Elvis said it would be a blue Christmas without you
What is the parson in the meadows name? Frosty says that he is Parson Brown. 
When we’re walking in a winter wonderland..

The talented SueReu put together a touching video montage of Clay singing All Year Long.   Thank you Sue…it’s like a wonderful Christmas Present.  ENJOY!!


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