I spent a lot of time on my computer on Saturday. I was trying to do a bit of computer clean-up…and I did get some done. BUT…I took a short trip to YouTube! I am glad because I found a great Clay Aiken video. It is not new, but it is lots of fun. I hope you enjoy it!
Have you seen this video before?
Thanks, always fun to see Clay video's. Very entertaining…
humina humina! I do remember that video by mariedrummond. Where the heck IS she? She made some fine videos way back then. Hope she is doing well. Miss her. Great find musicfan…. made my whole morning cos I'm now going to cool off in the shower before going to work this fine Sunday! <3
Wow, that was so great! I remember this video from a while back. Whatever happened to Marie Drummond? She made some of the best videos around. Hope she is ok. Anyone know where she is these days?
Thanks Musicfan, for posting this for us. What a treat!
Love this video! Maybe we should start calling him Magic Clay.
What a great way to start the morning! Clay is a delight when he performs and always gives his all to the audience (even his clothes). I've never seen this post before, thanks a lot for sharing.
Absolute joy – watching that video! Thank you Musicfan, for getting lost in Utube!!! Just love it!
Clay is truly a delight!!
Oh my! what a fun video, Clay is soooo funny and adorable, he should have his own show, I've watched this video before and also all the ones i can find, I just also watched 'What a Pair" about Clay and Ethel, he's so funny, he brings joy to my life. Love you Clay and thank you Musicfan and Deona xox.
Fun tour and it still makes me laugh…like LOTS!! Thanks for the wakeup laugh.
What a great way to start the day!! It was absolutely hysterical from start to finish! What wonderful memories of the earlier Clay days!
Clay is SO adorable in this video. What an entertainer! He knows what we want, gives a little of it, and holds back the rest. He's so SMART!
Marie left Clay Nation for another American Idol [who shall remain nameless]. She said she wanted the fun of being in on the start of a career. She had found Clay mid-career. It was a great loss to Clay Nation. She was a devoted fan during the few years she was with us.
what a nice way to start the day off right the video made me laugh clay sure has high energy when he dances and takes his jacket off clay is soo funny and cute he sure does bring joy into my life he aways has ilove you clay so much and thank you music fan and deona xxooo
I love this video makes me wanna go back to YouTube and watch some more Clay , thank you for sharing.
That video was so funny. Clay is adorable..like he always is. I know exactly what AI person she left Clay for…no names mentioned. But, she must be a little touched to go there.
I'm just glad she made some videos!!
Thanks Claniac24 for letting me know what happened to Marie. I'm just glad that she is
ok. Too bad she isn't in the Claynation anymore. She made really great videos.
I've seen this before and it was great seeing it again.
This one was new for me! I didnt see that white jacket beatle hair cut tour since it didnt come to my area. Thank you for sharing. It looked like fun times.
But if this is why someone followed Clay to start with, then their fancy was based on a weak premise and wouldn't last – revelation OR NOT.
Either way…I am with Musicfan on this one critical point…glad the video was made … and to take it one step further…still posted on Youtube. Thank you to the creator and server host.
On a side note..I get lost in Youtube all the time. Great Headline!
Congrats on the anniversary of CANN. I love your site for the variety, the education, the news, the fun, and the commitment to a great entertainer and humanitarian.
I love this!!! Of course I love all of the videos. I live on clack (still in my infancy as a fan…almost 2 years now) and never get tired of watching!!!
Congratulations on the anniversary of CANN….I love it and I so appreciate all the time and effort you put into this site. Thank you