Clay Aiken – Alleged Stalker Arrested

It was reported this morning that Clay Aiken had an uninvited guest at his house on April 3rd. According to TMZ, a crazed fan somehow managed to sneak into Clay’s gated community and then climbed over a fence that surrounds Clay’s property.  She was seen trying to look into a window at the front of his house.

The police responded to a 911 call and the fan, a 57 year old lady from Seattle, was arrested.  She was charged with misdemeanor stalking and misdemeanor first degree trespassing.

Surprisingly, this was not the first time this lady has tried to get close to Clay.  According to police records, the stalker had  “thrown her phone over the fence” in a previous incident and claimed “she had been invited by the victim when actually she had not been.”

What a shame that some people cross the line and don’t know right from wrong.  One can only hope that the lady gets some help.  She will be appearing in court at the end of the month.


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10 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Alleged Stalker Arrested

  1. Very alarming!
    Glad everything's okay, but poor Clay. Hard to imagine a fan doing something like that.
    Most of us just want the best for him and would never dream of invading his privacy and stalking him like that.

  2. wow how scary…and Clay was home too, according to the article. Just glad no one was harmed in any way and the police got there to help in time!

  3. wow verry scarey im glad you werent harmed clay its verry hard to evin imagingine someone staking you and you were home at the time this happend im greate bfull that she dint harm you or kill you and thank you to the police forgetting there to help you clay im glad that stalker got aressted

  4. very alarming!! I can't begin to understand how someone can become so invasive in someone's life. Just glad everything turned out alright.

  5. I am glad they caught her! she should have an ankle bracelet that goes off if she enters NC. I dont like hearing about someone invading his home where he is supposed to be safe.and what if Parker had been there/AND NOBODY SHOULD BOTHER FAMOUS PEOPLE WHEN THEY ARE NOT PERFORMING!hALLE bERRY WAS RECENTLY HARASSED WHILE holding her child!CHILDREN FEEL SAFE PN THERE PARENTS.THIS MAKES ME SO MAD!DONT WORRY cLAY, A THOUSAND EXTRA PRAYERS ARE BEING SAID AND YOUR GUARDIAN ANGELS WERE WATCHING OUT FOR YOU.tHAT LADY NEEDS A GOOD CASE OF ARTHRITIS. THAT SHOULD STOP HER! WE ALL LOVE YOU IN A GOOD WAY.

  6. Sorry to hear about the stalker lady and happy to hear you're okay Clay, pretty scary, anyway take care and we all love you Clay, God bless. xox

  7. What a horrible story. Hard to believe that someone would be that deranged that they would do such a thing. No telling what she planned on doing. I hope when she goes for her hearing, she is given some prison time…and a good Psychiatrist.

  8. This woman must be in good physical condition…57 yrs old and able to climb a high fence to get to Clay! So glad she was caught before anything worse happened.

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