Clay Aiken – From Ogunquit,Maine

Hello from Ogunquit, Maine!  It has been an exciting day and evening.

We spent most of the day visiting Kennebunkport. It is so beautiful there.  We even saw Laura Bush and her daughter, Jenna.  They were taking a walk along the shore with Jenna’s new baby….followed by 2 or 3 body guards.  Fun!

We had lunch at The Clam Shack where Clay and the cast had meals a few times.  The owners have three kids in the play and are very supportive of the Ogunquit Playhouse.

Friday evening we went to the theatre..What a thrill.

Unfortunately, I had a very poor seat.  The biggest man in the audience was right in front of me and the second largest man was right in front of him.  Sooooo….I had to try and see between their heads.  I could not see anything in the middle of the stage unless they both moved at the same time.  So,when Clay was singing his power song on the floor, I could hear it beautifully.

The audience was so responsive to each member of the cast.  It was almost electric.  There were lots of Clay fans there and some families with kids there too.

I was so impressed with the brothers.  They really work well together and keep the audience laughing.  Each one of them added something special to the show.

Clay was amazing!  His voice filled the theatre and he sang every note with feeling and drama.  Fortunately, I will be at the show again tomorrow and will be up close and hopefully will see what he is doing.

After the performance, we went out to the stagedoor.  It was so crowded, but we wanted to at least watch Clay as he came out.  Most of the brothers came out immediately and signed lots of programs.  The crowd roared for each one that came through the door.  Finally Clay appeared and the crowd went wild.  He is so good at moving along and signing.  He can’t even begin to sign something for everyone, but its fun to watch too.

The following video is “Joseph,” Stage Door, Evening, Aug. 23rd capture by Scarlett.

Hopefully I will be able to write a better report after tomorrow’s show.

Please check in again!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

8 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – From Ogunquit,Maine

  1. Interesting day you had – sorry about the 2 big guys, but the rest all seemed like fun!!! Hope the
    show viewing is much better, today! Love the pics – thank you! 🙂

  2. What an exciting first day you had in ME.! Kennebunkport really is a lovely area and to see some of the Bush family was an extra treat. So sorry you didn't get to actually see most of 'Joseph'. I know what you mean about having large folks in front of you at a performance. Without the visual, you were able to concentrate on the voice…sometime that is a plus. Enjoy your time in Ogunquit. Looking forward to your posts.

  3. Musicfan123- thanks for your take on the show! I bet it was fun to write it FIRST HAND this time! A couple of Claymates and I will also be at the show tomorrow night. Row F seats 103/104. I am hoping to get folks to meet a the gazebo a half hour or so before the show! Going to put this on twitter- I will be in a white tee, blue flowery skirt! Hope to see you there!

  4. Everytime someone mentions a place I jump up and down and say, "I've been there, I've been there!" We drove to Kennebunkport but didn't get out because of time restraints. I see that you got YOUR lobster picture!! EEE! Isn't it fun! Have fun while your are therer musicfan. It is one of the prettyiest areas I have EVER been to! SRO for the last three shows! It was a sell out LAST week too on the night of each performance. So don't you LOVE seeing the posters for the play in about EVERY business and restaurant? Hope your seats are better tonight and tomorrow. I had GREAT seats at least for viewing. Nobody in front of me since I got isle seats. #solucky!

  5. I’m so glad you are seeing the sights and having fun. I hope your seats are better for the next show so you can see our handsome guy! We can’t wait for more reports. Enjoy! 🙂

  6. So glad you arrived all the way from California!! Hoping you have a great seat tonight!
    I was in Row W and then Row A (right in the center)–big difference. Enjoyed both shows since no one was in front of me. But, it's always nice to be up close at a Clay event!!

    Loving all of the stage door videos. Seems as if the crowds are getting bigger and bigger.

  7. My friend and I attended 7 of the shows smack dab in the middle of the month and I still have the nerve to be jealous that I'm not attending the last few shows. Clay's performance knocked our socks off and as a bonus we met a lovely couple. They were outside on one of the benches waiting for the show to start and the wife explained to me that she was diagnosed with a rare type cancer last year and had to have her one leg amputated. She's cancer free now and explained Clay's music got her through a terrifying year. Another story of Clay having a positive affect on someone's life.

  8. im pleased and glad that your seing the sights and have ing some fun and i rely hope that yiur seats are much better for the next show so that you can see our amazing and handsome guy clay i cant wait for more reports please do enjoy

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