Experiencing The Very Best of Clay Aiken

After returning home, it was so much fun to see so many new re-caps and pictures about Joseph and The AmazingTechnicolor Dreamcoat starring Clay Aiken.  Everyone seems to still be so excited about the show and seeing Clay as he continued to present such amazing performances.

The following are a few comments that I found from different fans that were able to travel to Ogunquit to see Clay:

There are no words to describe the final show or any of them for that matter. You have seen it all written down in black and white so to speak, but no matter how many times we can say amazing, moving, awesome, joyful, exciting, sexy… and vocally outstanding… they can not do these performers justice as to the quality and the entertainment and love that they gave back to us all. Clay means the world to me, and every time I try to let him know that in some small way …he turns the tables and hands it right back to me. If I died tomorrow I would die knowing that I have just experienced the very best of Clay Aiken.


There was an interview before the play started where Bradford Kenney, the executive artistic director, said they needed a Joseph who would be a fresh appealing centerpiece of the production and they needed someone warm and genuine to pull it off. Well, they found all that in Clay and he brought it. I’m proud for him and so happy that he was surrounded by such a wonderful, talented group of performers who welcomed him as one of their own.


Clay’s rendition of “Close Every Door” is pretty much perfectly perfect in every way.


I cannot begin to tell you about the last show, it was beyond excellent. Everyone was giving their best. We gave Clay the most amazing standing ovation after “Close Every Door”. After those Canaan Days, we gave the brothers another amazing standing ovation and you could see and feel that they were all astonished and amazed. During GoGoGo Joseph, Clay did some very cute dancing movements. Towards the end, Keala was getting very emotional, and grabbing Clay´s hand. She mouthed the words “Thank you” to him and I lost it, I was weeping (to be fair, I was weeping since the beginning of the last show, I cannot tell you how many tissues I´ve used, I could not believe it was the last show!).


And to Clay, I have no words to describe all the good things you brought into my life, all the friends, all the fun, all the places I went that I would not had gone if it wasn´t for you. I love you forever and I cannot not wait for more to come!


Clay did a stunning job as Joseph. He has a voice like no other person on this planet – it fills the theatre. CED during the last show was unbelievable and other worldly – a well deserved standing ovation. He put his ALL into that song.


Every person on that stage was so talented and they all looked like they were having the time of their lives. Their joy was infectious and just rolled out over the audience and pulled us all into the story and the fun.


The following are some new stage door pictures!

And a big Thank you to SueReu who found this picture of Clay with many of the kids who were a part of the cast:

Many thanks for all your support through this exciting season of Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

I am hoping that we will have some up-dated news sooner than “SOON.”

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain clayaiken.com.

7 thoughts on “Experiencing The Very Best of Clay Aiken

  1. I also have been reading the recaps! What fun! Now I wish I had been at the closing weekend, but it wasn't to be! Are ya glad to be home musicfan!?

  2. What a wonderful recap of fantastic experiences. It truly was "THE BEST OF CLAY". I've had many trips to see Clay, and they have all been wonderful…it just seems that this one was so extra special. I say that now, and I know, the next one will be even better….It's how it goes with Clay. He has never let me down…and I love the excitement of seeing him, hearing him, meeting up with friends, travelling. What an adventure we are on!!! I'M LOVIN' IT!!!!!!

  3. It was a fantastic month of August – thanks to all who brought the recaps and pictures – Thank you
    ALL so very much! Clay, Castmates, and Fans did a Bravo-worthy job!!! 🙂 <3

  4. I’m just smiling while reading these wonderful comments. Clay always gives his best and brings out the best of those he works with. What a talented family the Joseph cast is! I cannot wait to see what’s next!!

  5. thanks to all who poasted the fans reactions the paformances the pics the vids and i all so whant to thanks clay aiken with out you clay thered be no singing no acting you did an amazing job and the cast verry out standcing job

  6. I wish every fan could have experienced the magic that was Joseph. I told one of the ushers that they need to find another play with a lot of male characters so the #brosforlife could be reunited on stage next summer.

  7. I have loved the month of August!! It was so exciting to read all of the recaps and tweets.
    Clay as Joseph was beyond amazing. I so appreciate the fans who take and share their pictures.

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