It’s a beautiful Saturday! It’s beautiful, it’s Saturday and the air is sweet with the last of Summer.
Go out and enjoy the weekend!
On Friday morning, the Sanford Herald published a letter-to-the -editor that they received. It said the following:
To the Editor:
I wish to congratulate the citizens of North Carolina’s 2nd Congressional District. There are so many constituents dissatisfied with Ms. [Renee] Ellmers that they have voted to place our esteemed congresswoman into one of the final four slots of Bill Maher’s Flip-A-District contest. This contest is to determine which congressperson most deserves to be unseated and replaced by their opponent in the upcoming midterm elections.
My understanding is that the “winner” will be spotlighted on his show for any and all idiocy that the candidate has [shown] while in or running for office. In Ms. Ellmers’ case, one such statement recently made is that men must speak “down to a woman’s level” if they want to be understood when talking about policy issues.
Congresswoman Ellmers has turned down numerous offers from the Clay Aiken campaign to schedule a debate between them. Since she has turned down each and every offer, my only conclusion is that she must be afraid to debate her opponent. Neither have I heard of any scheduled event in which she would take questions from the general public. I guess she’s afraid of doing that also.
Neil Rotter
Lee County
You can find the article at SANFORDHERALD
This person has strong opinions and I am glad that they seem to support Clay.
What do you think about this letter?
On Friday night, Clay attended a wonderful reception/fundraiser. The ladies who hosted this event went all out to make sure that the event was a highlight of the campaign. The event was held at the Molly Pitcher Inn in Red Bank.
I am sure that the event is over, but so far I haven’t found any reports about the evening. I am sure that many people had to drive a long ways after the event. These are two pictures that were posted at CV:

At a fundraiser for Clay Aiken at the Molly Pitcher Inn in Red Bank. Picture of the girls with Clay…Check. Now it’s time to forage for some grub
The following are a few pictures taken by deemer – Thanks for sharing the pictures with CANN!!
Please check back for more pictures and reports
I LOVE the letter and the comments Neil Rotter had. Great selfies as usual! Clay can't seem to take a BAD selfie, lol! Hope we have more pictures coming our way!!
It is a beautiful Saturday here too. Made all the better when Neil Rotter's letter to the editor shows up.
I am so proud of Clay. He has run an amazing race for Congress. I also thank you for all the news. I don't post often, but do appreciate all your work.
Thanks for posting all the news and keeping us updated on everything about Clay. It is great to visit one place and get all the news…also everything is positive and I like that!
Happy Birthday from me too. Hope your day is special!
What a nice surprise to check back this afternoon and find MORE pictures. I love all of them but I really, really like these last ones
Wonderful job musicfan.