It is November 1st, 2015.
The topaz is the birthstone for November.
The chrysanthemum is the flower for the month of November.
In The United States, the month of November is known for three special days:
- Election Day is on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. (Got that?)
- Veterans Day is celebrated on November 11th
- Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in the month
Clay Aiken has always been active in the month of November. The following are just a few of the wonderful things he has done during November!

11/4/14 – Election Night Party

11/6/13 Law & Order SVU – Played a judge on the show!

Christmas Tour – 11/23-29/12

11/20/11 Final day of filming for the challenge and party for Celebrity Apprentice

11/26/07 – First night of Christmas in the Heartland Tour

11/28/06 – All Is Well EP available as Walmart exclusive

11/18/06 – Lighting of the UNICEF Snowflake in NYC

11/9/04 – McDonald’s World Children’s Day

11/27/03 – Macy’s Christmas Parade
I have run out of room!!! There is so much more on the November list!
Is there a November event that is special to you?

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