Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!!
Always Fun!!!
On Wednesday, August 13, 2014, a group of educators held a reception honoring Clay Aiken.
These wonderful people who are dedicated to improving the education of the children of North Carolina, had the opportunity to hear Clay speak about what he hopes to do to help teachers in North Carolina. They also had the opportunity to donate to his campaign.
The following are some of the fun pictures that were taken during the reception/fundraiser.

I had a great time representing CCAE at this Reception for Clay Aiken. Thanks to Tanya for being my plus one tonight. But more importantly, Clay stated truth tonight. People in NC have the ability to make significant changes in November. We want people who remember that their first job is to serve the people who elected them there! — with Tanya Chapman.

Mark Jewell Ok, last event, and last selfie, of the day. Clay Aiken for Congress! Standing up for ALL of Carolina.

Ann Byrd Enjoyed spending time with Clay Aiken tonight as he marches toward the US Congress in November! WithBarnett Berry.

Yevonne Brannon THIS is me listing all the WAYS I love Clay Aiken — with the equally LOVABLE Mark Jewell

Great event this evening supporting Clay Aiken of American Idol game for Congress in NC ‘ 2nd district. He gave a great speech and will support our state and our schools well. I was thrilled to co-sponsor the fundraiser for my new buddy, Clay.
All the pictures look like everyone had a great evening. I hope that Clay had an opportunity to pick up some new votes for the election and also get some important funds to help him during the campaign.
I look forward to Thursday – Will we get more news and pictures?
Thanks! I love how Clay stands out in a crowd–he just glows– intelligent and handsome.
I love all the photos. He is doing a great job getting out and meeting voters. He looks happy & relaxed. ( I know most of you won' agree with me but I hate the shirts he wears, I think he needs to dress more business like). Still support him 100% Clay for NC
Great job Musicfan!!!
Sounds like a great night for Clay! I hope he gets more votes from people who normally don't go to the polls! Get out the voters!!! Great pictures…. he looks so happy!
wow sounds to me like clay had anther great nightclay looks so happy ilike the way clay stands out in a crowd he just glows amazing and hansome
Clay is truly in his element when it comes to education. Teaching, whether it be children, adults, or Congressmen and women, is his purpose, coupled with a surprising and outstanding singing career that has enabled him to gain the recognition he is currently putting to excellent use in his run for Congress. I believe he will win this race because he is a departure from “government as usual” and because people instantly recognize his work ethic and his solid knowledge of current issues. To know him is to trust him!
Thanks as always for the wonderful array of photos!