It has only been a few days since the 2014 elections. For Clay Aiken, the results of the evening were not what he hoped for, but it doesn’t seem it is getting in the way of his goals and future plans.
It has been announced that Clay will be sharing his experiences on the campaign trail with the public. It seems that Clay allowed cameras to follow his journey along the campaign trail, and the information and the video will be turned into a four-hour docu-series. It will air on Esquire Network.
The news is being picked up by many news sites. I think the following announcement is one of the better articles:
Buddy TV – Clay Aiken ‘Is Not Going to Be Silenced’ After Losing 2014 Election
by Jeff Dodge – Staff Writer, BuddyTV
You know that saying, ‘Third time’s the charm’? Well, it didn’t work out that way for singer-turned-politician Clay Aiken.The American Idol alum ran for the House of Representatives in North Carolina’s second district this year. Tuesday night, election results from the 2014 midterms poured in from all over the country, where there were many closely-watched races.Clay lost to Republican incumbent Renee Ellmers. As of 11am on Wednesday morning, Ellmers has 59% to Aiken’s 41%. It wasn’t a close race, as you can see. But it’s not surprising, considering this is a reliably Republican district, and most pundits knew Clay had a slim chance of winning. Of course, his name recognition is what drew attention to the race.
He gave a concession speech Tuesday night in Sanford, NC, after the race was called in favor on Ellmers. He thanked his supporters and everyone who worked on the campaign with him.He also acknowledged the fact that this isn’t the first time he’s lost a race. “The result did not go the way we wanted it to tonight, but we’ve walked down this path once or twice before.” In 2003, Aiken became the runner-up to Ruben Studdard in season 2 of American Idol. And then in 2012 as a contestant on The Celebrity Apprentice, he came in second to Arsenio Hall.”About 11 years ago, after American Idol, we came up short in another vote. … When we came up short in another competition in 2012, we raised $350,000 for the National Inclusion Project because of that opportunity together, and we were able to find a win in that.”Staying optimistic, he said, “We got people to listen to the voices of folks whose voices were not being heard, and that is a win for all of us.”On losing, Aiken said, “It has not dampened my desire to continue to use my voice for people whose voices are not being heard. … My voice is not going to be silenced by this, my voice is only going to get louder.”
While we don’t know if Clay will run for office again, we do know what his next venture will be. He allowed cameras into his campaign to follow his journey, and it will be turned into a four-hour docu-series to air on Esquire Network in 2015.This isn’t the first time a politician has done something like this. President Obama allowed cameras into his campaign in 2008, which resulted in the HBO documentary By the People: The Election of Barack Obama, and Mitt Romney had his own documentary called Mitt released on Netflix following his loss to Obama in 2012.Filmmakers Simon Chinn and Jonathan Chinn are at the helm of this project, which includes Clay announcing his candidacy in February, winning the primary in May, strategy meetings, debate prep, town halls, bus tours and much more.”We were granted incredible access during the making of this documentary, and in turn were able to capture the internal workings of an American campaign — the good, the bad and the ugly,” Simon said in a statement. Jonathan added, “We’re thrilled to be partnering with Esquire Network, who are tackling topics that are not only popular and entertaining but also smart and thoughtful.”
“Ultimately, this series is a raw and honest look at American politics through an incredibly unique and compelling candidate,” Esquire’s Matt Hanna said. “The opportunity to work with amazing documentarians Simon and Jonathan Chinn gave Esquire Network the perfect opportunity to explore politics and its intersection with celebrity.”
The project doesn’t have a title yet, but that will probably be revealed soon as the docu-series will air in the first quarter of 2015. Just as By the People and Mitt provided fascinating behind the scenes coverage of what went on inside two presidential campaigns — one that claimed victory and the other that ended in defeat — Clay Aiken’s series is sure to be intriguing as well.
I miss him already! From hearing news just about every day to nada can be frustrating. He needs some time off, we all know that. Give him a few days to energize! Let's hope we hear from him soon! Love the articles about the docu-series. Some news stories say or give the impression he is going to be doing a reality tv series. NOT! I even had one lady ask me about it. I set her straight and sent her facebook where I posted a link. Welcome home musicfan and suerue. Can't wait to see all the photo's ya'll took while there!! MUAH!!
I love it! I am so happy for Clay about this Documentary. Weather the haters like it or not Clay still has TONS of fans!! He did get 41% of the vote. Going from many people believing he wouldn't getting 40 votes period. He has worked very, very hard. I am so proud of him. I can't wait to see what he chooses to do next.
Thanks Musicfan and suerue for all your hard work.
clay mint of lost three time but he should of won i think it was fixed that he lost three times.sorry that is the way i see it.
Emily….I am sorry you miss seeing the thank you video here. We posted it a few hours ago. Clay is an amazing man and this thank you is perfect!!