Clay Aiken – A True Friendship

On Saturday, Clay Aiken tweeted a very nice message:

Today begins the 2 1/2 months each year when gets to be my elder! Ha ha. Happy Birthday, Rube!

So…we missed wishing Ruben a Happy Birthday…But today is Good Friend Ruben Day at CANN!!

Yes…Both Clay and Ruben have said they are good friends.  They have continued to remain friends though the last years and help and support each other in their careers and personal lives.

I thought it might be nice to check out some of the fun pictures of the duo throughout the years!

They competed from the beginning of American Idol

They were the two finalists of Season 2 of American Idol

They laughed about “Red Panties”.

They performed together at the AMA awards show (Clay won fans choice)

They shared many magazine covers regardless of the headline!

They toured together in the summer of 2010 on the Timeless Tour

Ruben performed at the National Inclusion Project Champions Gala

Ruben attended a fund-raiser party for Clay’s Congressional Race

Clay took Ruben to one of his favorite restaurants in Harlem…Melba’s Restaurant – June 2015

Have you ever seen Ruben perform live?

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

7 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – A True Friendship

  1. I’ve never seen Ruben perform live but he is extremely talented. I love that he and Clay are still friends after all these years.

  2. These two connected from day one: from American Idol to today! What a great friendship! I enjoy watching and listening to Ruben’s soulful voice. Hope Ruben had a joyous birthday!

  3. We saw Ruben perform live in the Timeless Tour in Lancaster, PA. I've always liked him and he was one of my top 5 on AI2, Clay being on the top of that list, of course!! We were both very impressed with him in PA. He definitely fit the Velvet Teddy Bear image!!

  4. I did see Ruben live at the Timeless Tour in Lancaster, PA. He & Clay had a lot of fun and made great music together. The crowd loved them both.

  5. ive never seen ruben live eather only clay and kelly its good that clay and ruben are still friends and ruben i hope ya had a nice birthday

  6. Their tour together was incredible. Wish they would do it again. I'm so glad their friendship has remained so strong.

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