Sometimes there are just days where smiles are important. I have a good recipe right here…guaranteed to make that smile come alive!
Are you smiling???
Sometimes there are just days where smiles are important. I have a good recipe right here…guaranteed to make that smile come alive!
Are you smiling???
Yes- I am smiling! Wonderful video of Clay & his chosen dance partners. I’ll bet he would never guess how important that was to the partners- even his mom. Wonder if he ever mastered the chopsticks. It didn’t look very promising. Thanks for this post. I prefer to start Sunday, or any day, with a Clay induced smile.
UNCONDITIONAL love for you Clay. Remember the great times.
Thank you! Some days we need something to get the day started right, this did.
Clay's smile lights up any room! That joyous face warms a person down to their heart! Thank you CANN for sharing this post to start my day!
I was in a Bad mood not anymore , thank you.
Thanks. Clay always gets me smiling!!!
Smiling and weepy at the same time.
Sure do miss his concerts.
Thank you, you made me smile for the first time today. I will always love him.
OH, thank you for this really fun post. I love both videos. It was a perfect post for a difficult time"
Smiled through them both!
i was also in a bad mood but not anymore i sure do miss his amazing concerts
I sure smiled! Many thanks for the fun post. I think we all have had a hard week.
I hope we hear from Clay soon.
What a fun post. Both videos made me laugh. Thank you for posting them. The timing was perfect.
Yes, you made me smile. Such a beautiful smile he has, and the vids made me laugh and sigh – thank you!!