Clay Aiken -Sending You A HUGE Thank You!

Today is Thursday, January 11th. To most people it is just another day, but for CANN…. well…

Today is the 9th Anniversary of CANN!

Yes…CANN started in 2009!  It’s almost impossible to believe that!

Our main goals in 2009 were to maintain a site that presented Clay in a positive way and to keep the public updated on all the Clay Aiken news!  Of course, we also wanted to have a place that welcomed fans from all over the world.   I hope that we have kept to those goals throughout the last 9 years!  It hasn’t been hard…being a supporter of Clay Aiken is fun and enjoyable!

I’m a number person.  I follow the numbers each day.  I want to know how we are doing! So…there are a few numbers that I want to share with you:

CANN has posted 3,705 articles!

Since January 1, 2018, we have had visitors from 53 countries!

I am also proud of the hits that we get each day.  In the last year, we averaged 336 hits each day.  Add to that the 458 email readers and we have a great group of readers.

Our ClusterMaps are much more complex now and lots of fun to see.  I hope you will all click on it once in a while.  You need to scroll through and see all that we know!!

And remember, we love to see your comments.  It’s easy…just click on the number by the word comment.  If you send a comment to our e-mail, it takes a couple of days to get to me and then I type it in the comment section.

Another fun number is at the CANN Facebook page.  We now have 4,004 likes!!  If you haven’t “liked” our Facebook page, I hope you will join in there too.     CANNFACEBOOK

In 2018, we may see many directions from Clay. As his interests and direction change, we will change too.  We will never forget the past and will always celebrate the important stepping stones in his career.  However, we will also continue to report on what he is doing in the present.  We will take our lead from Clay and his team and will support him in whatever way that is appropriate.

I send you a HUGE Thank you for supporting CANN for 9 years!!!  

You all are very special people and I consider each of you my friend!


So…Let’s Celebrate!  A Toast To Clay Aiken!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

17 thoughts on “Clay Aiken -Sending You A HUGE Thank You!

  1. A huge “Congratulations on the 9th Anniversary of CANN”!!! I come to check everything out here everyday and try to leave a comment often. I also enjoy checking out the Cluster Map – it’s fun. I really appreciate you keeping us up with “all things Clay”!

    You are considered a dear friend also – – -Thank you so much for all of your work and effort in making this such a success. I hope you will continue for many more years.

    Love that pic of Clay from this years Gala. I was blessed to get a few taken with him there, too! It was such a sweet surprise!

  2. The CANN is the best way to begin my day. You have brought us so much news about Clay and kept us up to date on where to find articles about him, plus all the videos you post. I can't thank you enough. Looking forward to many more years of CANN. Cheers!

  3. "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" to the best website for OMC! I have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy your articles and videos of Clay! CELEBRATION TIME!

  4. Have a Wonderful Anniversary & thank you for 9 years of Clay stories & information. I have enjoyed all the years with you. Thanks Again. Margaret. Northern Ireland

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! So glad for CANN, thank you!!

    Absolutely repeat what they all say above! Every day first thing, I look for the new CANN, and every single day it’s there, keeping us up with OMC past and present, plus I enjoy the fascinating historical/topical trivea and his tweets!

    Bless you!!

    I can’t always Like u cos my cell is old and cranky (like me, lol), but please add one to the count of the day. Also, I would love to check out the Cluster Map, but what in the world is it?? And where??

    • Scroll down to the end of the page…past the comments section. You'll find the map there. Just click on it.

  6. Congratulations CANN, I've enjoyed all your posts about Clay which I check out every day! Keep up the great work!<3

  7. congradulations cann I have also injoyed your poasts about clay also keep the clay poasts comin and keep up the great work <3

  8. Happy anniversary CNN!! Look forward to your emails every day and appreciate being kept up to date with news on our favourite singer/actor/political activist man, plus all the walks down memory lane. It's been a long time since "Always and Forever", but that's just how long I will be a fan, so keep up the good work. Love you!

  9. Congratulations and thank YOU!!! For all that you do, and all of the time you take to bring us the news about Clay and the wonderful memories of years past!! I look forward to your email every day!!!

  10. This is very funny. I read this email faithfully each day and never realized I could comment. It's a great place to see what Clay is up to and to reminisce over all the fun facts. Thanks so much for what you do!

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