Clay Aiken – Some Jukebox Highlights

2005 was the summer of the Jukebox TourClay Aiken fans filled the concert halls and arenas in the eastern half of the United States to see a great concert of pop music history.  Most of the concerts were sold out and Clay and his troupe put on an exciting show.


The following is a fun YouTube by Hosaa

It is Highlights of Clay’s Jukebox Tour 2005 concert at Wolf Trap!

Hope you enjoy it!

What did you think of the show?


Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

9 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Some Jukebox Highlights

  1. Clay is one funny guy with a most amazing voice! I pray we still get to hear it once in a while at least! The concerts are so missed!

    Thank you for this video – enjoyed it so very much! I don't recall seeing this one before!

  2. What can I say,. The man can sing anything! Love his banter with the audience, too. Thank you, CANN and Hosaa!

  3. I miss him so much come on Clay please do another tour it would be fun. Thank you for the video CANN and to Hossa for making them. CANN I appreciate the daily updates you send.
    Thank You

    Mary Ann

  4. How can a man still inspire so much worship and love after so much time away. Guess he marked me for the rest of my life. I listen to him everyday is my everlasting love

  5. h my gosh. CLAY has the voice of an ANGEL. Just love him.Canot wait to hear his wonderful voice at the GALA IN MAY , 2019 .

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