Relax and unwind from the stresses of the past week. Make lasting memories today.
Don’t allow this beautiful day to go to waste.
Back in the first 1/2 of 2012, I loved each week! Clay Aiken was on TV for many weeks.
It was always fun to see him on Celebrity Apprentice and watch how he solved the problems presented each week!
Lets celebrate this Friday with a few fun pictures of 2012!

The following is a video of Clay and the puppets!!
SO…Enjoy and have a fabulous Friday!!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain
Really enjoyed the pics and video of Clay and the puppets. That was a new video for me – haven’t ever seen it before! Loves Clays Voice has made some excellent video and I really liked this one! I also enjoyed the time spent watching all of the episodes of Celebrity Apprentice!
#5 gets my vote from the photos! Thank you CANN
Never missed an episode and Clay’s commentaries on the Celebrity Apprentice website!! Thank you, CANN! Happy Friday!
Thank you for all the pictures and the video. I watch Celebrity Apprentice just to see Clay. I love to see Clay and the puppets. Thank you Cann .
I remember tuning in to Celebrity Apprentice each week back in 2012 to watch Clay take the lead and make suggestions for each task. He really should have won because he did have the best project for the last week. I'm glad Clay has finally figured out what to do with his hair, because for years he tried (and sometimes failed) to tame that wild mop!