Late night TV host, Jimmy Kimmel is an important person to ABC. Each season, his late-night TV show ratings get larger and larger.
As with most late night hosts, Kimmel invites people from his network to be guests on his show.
In the spring of 2007, Jimmy was doing short comedy segments each week about the popular dancing show, Dancing With The Stars. On May 22nd, Jimmy roped Clay Aiken into the action.
The spoof was about a new product called “Guillermo’s Mustache Magic”, guaranteed to improve your life by adding a dash of ‘stache to your upper lip. Clay’s cameo was a combination of recorded video clips and before and after pictures. Clay talked about how this product helped his performances, his confidence levels, and his life in general.
Clay ended the skit by saying, “I can’t imagine my life without it!” It was a cute cameo, especially watching the fake mustache fall halfway off of his face.
Do you remember seeing this on TV?
Thank you for all the pictures and the video. I remember watching this on Jimmy Kimmel Show. It is very funny. Jimmy and Clay are always funny together. I wish Clay would go back on the show. Thank you CANN.
I had forgotten about the mustache wax with Clay on Kimmel’s show. So funny! Clay was always a good sport when it came to doing silly things for a laugh.