“Suspicious Minds” is a song written in 1968 by Mark James (aka Francis Zambon). Performed by Elvis Presley in 1969, it became one of his most notable hits. Suspicious Minds was widely regarded as the single that jump-started Presley’s career after his successful 1968 Comeback Special. It was Presley’s last number-one single in the United States. On their list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, Rolling Stone has Suspicious Minds ranked at #91.
Elvis first performed Suspicious Minds at the Las Vegas Hilton in July of 1969. The single was released in the fall. It reached number one in the United States in the week of November 1st. This song was Presley’s final number-one single in the U.S. before his death.

Clay Aiken first performed Suspicious Minds as a part of his Jukebox Tour in the summer of 2005. On July 29th, Clay performed the song on Good Morning America’s Summer Concert Series. The performance received a great response from the audience and the chatter on all the Clay Boards was full of excitement.

Flash-forward to 2010 and Clay Aiken’s newer CD, Tried and True…. Suspicious Minds is one of the most popular songs on this album of classics.

Although the song is the same, the arrangements of both performances are somewhat different. It is interesting to hear the differences.
The following video is from The JukeBox Tour. I hope you enjoy it!
Elvis was at the top of my list before Clay came along – it didn’t take long for me to change my opinion in a huge hurry. Loved this video and Clay is going to stay at the top of my list hopefully for a long time to come! Clay did every Elvis song perfectly – big smile on my face!
Thank you for the pictures and the video. I love it all. Clay is at his best. Thank you CANN.
I remember seeing Clay sing this song in person back in 2005. You could hardly hear him from all the screaming from the crowd of women who were at the performance. Loved all of his concerts back in the days when he was touring.