Clay Aiken’s loyal fans got a real treat on July 29th, 2005 when he debuted a new song called Back for More and performed Elvis Presley’s Suspicious Minds at New York City’s Bryant Park. The performance was part of Good Morning America’s Summer Concert Series.
Clay had just begun his Jukebox Summer Tour the evening before in Toms River, N.J. The tour visited 25 cities. It was Clay’s fifth tour in the past two years.

Throughout the Good Morning America broadcast on the 29th, the anchors mentioned their excitement that Clay was back to give another wonderful concert. The weatherman was stationed at the park and each time he gave a weather report, he included the huge crowd in the shots.
Diane Sawyer interviewed Clay at the beginning of the concert and asked him about his UNICEF trips. “It’s the closest thing I can do now to being in a classroom and teaching,” said Aiken. He recently had returned from northern Uganda, where he visited “night commuters” — children who must leave their homes in the countryside every night to sleep in UNICEF shelters to avoid being abducted by a rebel group. In March, Clay had visited children living in camps for tsunami survivors in Aceh, Indonesia.

Clay was also asked “What do you know about do-wop anyway.” Clay answered, “Not much, but it’s good stuff!”
The concert itself, was brilliant. Clay chose the Elvis song Suspicious Minds to open the concert. It is a great Elvis song that isn’t so popular that it would make people think Clay was trying to impersonate Elvis. Clay sang it beautifully and it had a great contemporary sound to it.

Next, Clay sang Back For More. This new song was supposed to be on Clay’s sophomore album before the label changed their minds. The catchy song was an immediate hit. Most of Clay’s fans loved the irony of the lyrics: “its all over the radio.”
From the fans at Bryant Park, we learned that Clay also performed Twisting The Night Away. The reports said that Clay sounded relaxed and assured and did his twist “thing”. Too bad it wasn’t televised.

There was a twist at Bryant Park that morning. Clay was also interviewed by “Erica Kane”, from All My Children. Susan Lucci who plays Erica on the show explained that her character was starting a TV show and that Clay was her first interview. Just another thing to fit into Clay’s very busy day!!
Bryant Park was filled with the audience for Clay and overall, Clay seemed happy, confident and in control. It was a great success.
Thank goodness for CLACK!! Because of the following videos, we can all re-live the Good Morning America again!!
Interview and Introduction
Have you ever been to Bryant Park?
Did you see Clay on the TV for this performance?

And – One More!
I did watch this on TV – Never went to Bryant Park. Loved this tour and would have liked to see it more than one time. But I saw it in Cleveland, Ohio. Clay really knew how to get the fans excited. Thank you for more great memories!
Thank you for the pictures and the 2 videos. I have not been to Bryant Park. I love the pictures and the videos. i do remember watching this on TV. Thank you CANN.
I saw Clay on this tour on Aug 9, 2005 at our State Fair in Columbus, OH. The crowd went wild for Clay. Thanks for the videos.