On August 6th, 2006, the popular television show, Entertainment Tonight, featured Clay Aiken’s photo shoot for his new album, A Thousand Different Ways.
The show spent a great deal of time filming Miranda Penn Turin, the photographer who took thousands of pictures of Clay. The photo shoot was held at a beautiful home in Southern California.
I know that you have probably seen these pictures before, but they are worth a second look. I hope you enjoy them.
Have a wonderful Day!!
Thank you for all of the pictures and video. I do remember this. I play Clay's cds all the time.
Lover of all the photos and video! Thank you, CANN!
Thanks for the photos and video. Always appreciate seeing gorgeous photos.
Miss that guy and that voice!
thanks for the pics and video I also remember this I miss clay and his amazing voice
ET GLOBAL and Tomorrow. Loved the pictures but these two were my favorites. I love all his songs on this CD. I have one CD in in the house and the same CD in my van so I dont have to go back and forth. LOL.