On Wednesday , Clay Aiken was one of the guests on the popular show titled The View.
Clay spoke with confidence and knowledge.
After greeting all of his many friends on the show, Clay had lots to say. He told The View why he’s running for Congress again in North Carolina. He make it quite clear that he loves his state, North Carolina, and wants to help get it to be the best.
Clay had much to say…the following is a few things I enjoyed:
!. He said many people in government have forgotten how to listen to the people.
2. He talked about how far gay rights have come in 20 years.
3. He reminded us that the House was designed to get all different types of people..experience and government experience.
4. He LISTENS! Many people in the government have forgotten how to listen to others.
5. He would be happy to be the first openly gay House Rep from the South. He is so glad he belongs to a party where he could actually win as a gay man.
WAIT – If you missed seeing Clay on The View, you can see him on You Tube. If you missed the show, it is worth seeing how articulate Clay is…and smart too!
Today, I will post a few pictures of Clay and The View. Pictures are always fun!
Thank you for stopping by. I was very busy today and will try to keep up the news. Please comment and let CANN know what you want to see! You all are the greatest!