Put a circle around the date – Monday, September 26, 2016
According to Social Media, Clay will be on The View on Monday!!
It was a typical Saturday morning…sleeping in, checking in at the daily calendar and seeing if you can fit in a fun evening! But Wait!!
A tweet and picture about Clay Aiken!!

Molly Kelleher – That time you show up to eat at your favorite breakfast spot and @clayaiken is in the kitchen. @BigViewDiner
Attorney and multi-platform journalist Sunny Hostin is the Senior Legal Correspondent & Analyst for ABC News and co-host of ABC Daytime’s morning show The View.

Angelique Robinson – Tune in this Monday on The View. I will be featured on it talking about the Charlotte protest with Clay Aiken.
Clay tweeted: Protesters in Marshall Park in #Charlotte upset that release of police tape is only partial.

Clay Aiken in Marshall Park in Charlotte, sitting with protesters.

Look who dropped by for a bite! #clayaiken#americanidol — with Clay Aiken. East 74 Restaurant
Clay tweeted:

Clay Aiken @clayaiken I-277 in #Charlotte at a standstill as #charlotteprotest halts traffic.

Backstage – Adjusting the Mic-pack!