It is always exciting to share positive reviews about Clay Aiken. On Monday, Broadway World published their review of Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. The review is written by Scott Moreau. Moreau is not only an accomplished musical theatre actor, but also a professional director. He wrote the following:
…First and foremost, I will have to say that I have never watched American Idol. I’ve never been a big fan of the show’s concept, nor am I really a fan of “pop” music. That said, I was BLOWN AWAY by Clay Aiken in the title role. His voice sounds limitless in the role to the point that it almost sounds TOO EASY for his versatile voice. I found myself wondering how many keys had been raised, or how many times he was singing an octave above what was written. His vocal display is truly astounding, and more than that it is always clear as bell and you never struggle to understand what he is singing. It was also refreshing to see a different take on JOSEPH; often times actors choose to make him boastful and almost full of himself. You can see from the very start that Mr. Aiken is a shy, humble JOSEPH who longs to be accepted by his brothers and it’s his naïveté that brings upon his misfortune, not ill will. I was more than surprised by his turn in the second act as the Pharaoh’s right hand man who attempts to trick his brothers. And his rendition of “Close Every Door” will bring you to your feet…
…All in all, JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT at The Ogunquit Playhouse is a dazzling theatrical experience from start to finish. JOSEPH may have been done the world over, and you may have seen it a handful of times, but I doubt you have ever seen a production quite like this. Some theatergoers may complain that JOSEPH… is a fluffy piece of music theatre; are you seeing Medea? No. But if you are lucky enough to get tickets to Ogunquit’s latest hit, I assure you that your expectations of the show will be met and exceeded. For tickets and more information, please visit…
Moreau has more positive remarks about the Ogunquit Playhouse and their production of Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. You can read the entire article at BROADWAYWORLD
The following are some great stagedoor pictures. A big thank you to those who share the pictures with us.
The following is another wonderful video of the stagedoor.