Clay Aiken – 14th Anniversary

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Today is Wednesday, January 11th. To most people it is just another day, but for CANN…. well…

Today is the 14th Anniversary of CANN!

Yes…CANN started in 2009!  It’s almost impossible to believe that!

Our main goals in 2009 were to maintain a site that presented Clay in a positive way and to keep the public updated on all the Clay Aiken news!  Of course, we also wanted to have a place that welcomed fans from all over the world.   I hope that we have kept to those goals throughout the last 14 years!  It hasn’t been hard…being a supporter of Clay Aiken is fun and enjoyable!

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There are a few numbers that I am pleased to post:

CANN has posted over 5,000 articles!

Since January, 2009, we have had visitors from 43 countries!

I am also proud of the hits that we get each day.  A couple of friends told me the other day that someone has been saying that our numbers are very low.  Well…I wish that person had asked about it.  It really isn’t so!

We have to add up two numbers to get the number of readers.

First, we have 451 people who get CANN by e-mail each day.  These 451 people are not counted in the number of website hits! We have to add up two numbers to get the number of readers.

Then we have the people who reach the blog from it’s internet address.  This number changes daily.  I am pleased!

And remember, we love to see your comments.  It’s easy…At the bottom of the CANN page, there is the word – “comment.” Click it and you can send us a message, question, ???? whatever!

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Another fun number is at the CANN Facebook page.  We now have lots of likes!!  If you haven’t “liked” our Facebook page, I hope you will join there too.    

As we have learned this year, we may see many directions from Clay. As his interests and direction change, we will change too.  We will never forget the past and will always celebrate the important stepping stones in his career.  However, we will also continue to report on what he is doing in the present.  We will take our lead from Clay and his team and will support him in whatever way that is appropriate.

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So…enough about CANN!

I send you a HUGE Thank you for supporting CANN for 14 years!!!  

You all are very special people and I consider each of you my friend!


So…Let’s Celebrate!  A Toast To Clay Aiken!

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 2023 – The Best Year For Clay Aiken!!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain