It is Wednesday and now we can start to look forward to the week-end. Sunday night has become my favorite night of the week. I get to watch Clay Aiken on TV…well, I guess I get to see Celebrity Apprentice on TV.
Today’s blog is a break from the links and articles that are on the Internet. Today is Picture Day. Thanks to Clayscience at the CB, we have some great pictures. ENJOY!!
Do you have a favorite picture?
Don’t forget that Clay Aiken will be hosting his 3rd Video Chat today, April 11, 2012 – 8:00pm EST
You must be a member of the Fan Club to be a part of the chat and it is suggested that members check out the chat page before the event to make sure all is working well.
And, please check out the second article here at CANN. It was written around noon time Tuesday…Titled Clay Aiken – Having A Great Time!
There are some links to some supportive reviews of Celebrity Apprentice and Clay Aiken!