Congratulations to Clay Aiken. His newest CD titled Playlist: The Very Best of Clay Aiken was the top seller for playlist albums this past week. AND, the album charted at #173. The total sales for the week were 3,000. Think how high the sales would have been if there had been some promotion for this album. The album is well put together and the re-mastered sound is wonderful.
The album was in short supply this week. It could be ordered through Amazon, but if a person wanted to purchase the CD in person, it was virtually impossible. As of Wednesday, at noon, the album is #38 in Vocal Pop at Amazon. There were a few selected Wal-Marts that had about 5 copies and even less BestBuys that were selected to carry the album. It has been reported that there are still Amazon orders that have not yet arrived at their destination. You can’t purchase what isn’t available.
On the Billboard charts, the only Playlist albums to chart in the top 200 are:
Aug-30-2008 Playlist: The Very Best of Elvis Presley. It peaked at #188.
Oct-06-2007 Playlist, Kenny “Babyface” Edmonds peaked at #48.
Switchfoot also had a Best of…….album that listed at #123 on the Billboard 200 chart.
Clay, we are all proud of you and your great accomplishments in the music industry. Your next album should be the best yet!
I am loving this CD! and congrats to Clay!
Congrats to Clay and love, love the CD. Great song choices and they are clearer and richer than on the original.
It is all relative. It is doing quite well for the format. Kudos to Clay!
I love this CD. All my fav songs all on one CD. WHat could be better.
This is my favorite Clay CD of all. It’s wonderful to have his “best” on one fabulous recording. I’m glad it’s done so well in sales, despite the lack of promotion.
For a Playlist that no one could find in the stores – even if they knew to look for it – and Clay never mentioned, this one did very well by charting the 200. Congrats Clay!
For the “best kept secret CD” that Clay Aiken has done, I’m proud of this effort.
For a limited edition ‘best of’ CD that had no promotion, and cannot be found in stores, I’m ecstatic that it’s charted and done well.
It’s nice to have so many of Clay’s best song all together on one CD – my car stereo loves it and so do I!!
Congrats, Clay, this CD really is the best of the best.
I guess you have to take it in perspective…There has been no promotion…It is a “Best Of” CD.. I really wanted it to do better than that…but when you read the article above…it has done very well… I guess this finishes off RCA/Sony…thank goodness!!!Time to move on to bigger and better things….
By the way…I love Clay Aiken, and no one has a voice like his..I never tire of it…
It’s wonderful that this album charted!
I love it!
He done good! I’m am not-so-patiently waiting for the next new music. Clay Aiken’s voice needs and deserves to be heard.
This is a great CD! I love having these songs all together in one collection. It’s wonderful listening to it, and sure brings back the memories! The quality is excellent. Thank you Clay, and congratulations on charting!
I’m glad I ordered at Amazon because it wasn’t at the stores near me. It a shame. The sound on this CD is astounding! Put a set of headphones on me and I can totally immerse myself in the sound of it!
I absolutely LOVE this album, I agree, think what it could have done with promotion!
Promotion? What is that? It’s never been used along with Clay’s name so why would it be now?
The cd was sent to stores in very limited quantities, so if it weren’t ordered online, the chances were slim to none that it would be found in a store.
Considering there was absolutely nothing announcing this cd was out, Clay sold very well – and for a Playlist cd, it had great numbers.
I love the cd and thrilled I have it as part of my music collection.
I just love the Playlist cd !
I love my Playlist cd . I had to order it . I couldn’t find a single one in the stores . Thanks for the information on the sales and charting . Great job , Clay .
I am still waiting for mine to come from Amazon,com, since I am in Canada and I could not find it, also I have 1 AIW coming.
I think Clay did okay for this CD.
Thanks for the information.
I tried to buy the playlist at bestbuy,but it was sold out and the salesperson didn’t know when it would be in. I received it yesterday from amazon. It is great. I will order from amazon from now on. Loved Clay on ANTM and would love to hear him sing again.
Love this CD! Give the man some damn promotion and the sky is the limit!!!!!!!
It’s my favorite of all his albums. The others have production that hurts the ears, especially in the drumming. Seems it hasn’t mattered who’s been on drums, they all sound as though they have bricklayer’s hands. While the production on this CD isn’t terrific, it’s one vast improvement. One thing I really want to know, however: even Clay has often described himself as ‘a crooner’. I agree 100%, so why does he seldom choose songs just made for crooners? Heck, his own ‘Lover All Alone’ and Sedaka’s ‘Solitaire’ are two I cherish because they so perfectly fit his lush, powerful and sensitive voice. Clay, why not croon an entire CD? The RCA folk so blatantly steered you away from them. Now that you’re free, how about beauties like ‘If..’, ‘Cara Mia’ (if you don’t know it, it’s a 60s hit by Jay and the Americans, and oh, the glory notes!), ‘Love is a Many Splendored Thing’. ‘Time in a Bottle’. and ‘You Belong to Me’ – just for starters?
Clay always done a great job with his music…