When the general public thinks about Clay Aiken, they usually think……American Idol runner-up, recording artist, Broadway star, TV star, father and gay man. But one of the most important parts of Clay’s life is missing from that list………founder and member of the Board of Directors of a successful Foundation.
The Bubel/Aiken Foundation started as a school project, but became a reality on July 28, 2003 when the official announcement of the creation of the foundation was made by Clay Aiken.
From its humble beginnings, the Bubel/Aiken Foundation has grown into the leading organization that promotes the inclusion of all children in all areas. And, the Foundation is also a leader in investing in the education community by providing services and financial assistance, and creating awareness of the needs of all children.
According to the official records, the Foundation has invested over one million dollars to expand Let’s ALL Play across the country.
“The goal of Let’s ALL Play is to assist child and youth organizations in moving toward full inclusion. In 2004, the inclusive recreational experience for children with and without disabilities was instituted by the Foundation.”
The Foundation is supporting 32 recreational programs in 2009. The support comes in the form of a program model and Foundation training in addition to grant funding. Because of the Foundation’s support, children in 20 different states across the country will participate in inclusive programs for the first time.
On March 6, 2009, the Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation (MEAF) announced $360,000 in new and continuing grants, raising the total investment in the Foundation’s five-year Inclusion Initiative to $3.2 million. This inclusion project is a joint venture between The Bubel/Aiken Foundation and the National Center for Summer Learning at Johns Hopkins University.
Because the Bubel/Aiken Foundation was started by a celebrity, there has been much scrutiny of the financial records of the Foundation. Each time there has been a question, the Foundation and the State of North Carolina has proven that all is well with the charity.
According to the official records filed by the Foundation to both the state and federal governments, the Foundation is doing very well. It is rated well for its use of funds and keeps the expenses to a minimum
The following are the numbers for 2007.
Program Expenses 81.9%
Administrative Expenses 15.6%
Fundraising Expenses 2.3%
Clay Aiken announced last year that the Foundation was going to change their name to something that would reflect more on the purpose of the foundation. We look forward to hearing more about that change.
It is wonderful to see Clay Aiken use his celebrity in such a positive way. There is no way of knowing how many young people have been positively influenced by the opportunities given by The Bubel/Aiken Foundation.
When Clay Aiken said back in 2003 that he wanted to make a difference, he was so right. There are so many children who benefit from the many programs of the Bubel-Aiken Foundation. He has been talking for a while now about changing the name of the foundation to reflect just what the foundation does. I am eagerly waiting to find out the new name of the foundation.
Nice to look back on all that the BAF has accomplished. I know Clay has wanted to change the name for a long time to have a more global reach. Looking forward to the announcement.
Thanks for all the latest news about Clay’s foundation. I’m so impressed to learn that Johns Hopkins University and Mitsubishi made a very sizeable donation to support the great work being done by the Bubel Aiken Foundation. Inclusion is a worthwhile and important goal that benefits everybody, and the BAF is a very deserving recipient of this grant.
I was impressed too VoxAngelicus……….I had no idea that John’s Hopkins and Mitsubishi made those sizable donations. Thank you Clay Aiken and CANN for bringing us so many details.
Clay Aiken said he wanted to make a difference and its clear that he has!! It great to see that so many children have and will continue to benefit because of the BAF!! Great job Clay! I look forward to hearing and seeing the new changes that are being made to the foundation!
I know the fans had fun coming up with suggestions for Clay back in March when he asked for input from the fans. He wanted the new name to reflect the foundations mission.
Clay Aiken continues to teach us all and here’s another example. Through his passion and commitment to children with special needs, I’ve become more aware that Inclusion is the right thing to do. Thanks Clay
I agree suereu………….I have learned so much about inclusion and how it really is the best thing for all children. Clay continues to teach.
Clay Aiken has been talking for quite a while now about changing the name of his Bubel Aiken Foundation and has been searching for just the right name to reflect just what the foundation is all about. I am eagerly anticipating the announcement on what the new name will be. Bravo Clay for a job well done on all the good work your foundation does!!
Clay never ceases to amaze me. I can’t wait to hear the new name for BAF. I hope he announces it soon.
Thank you for featuring The Bubel/Aiken Foundation in your blog. It’s great to read the history and plans for a new name in your post.
Bravo to Clay Aiken and Diane Bubel for founding TBAF in 2003! Here’s to continued success in their mission of inclusion for all children!
Thank you for your kind remarks in the Carolina blog.
I’m very proud to be a fan and supporter of Clay Aiken and his foundation. He has done a wonderful job promoting inclusion for all children. Thanks for all the great information! I’m looking forward to Clay’s announcement of the new name for the BAF.
The Bubel Aiken Foundation that Clay Aiken and Diane Bubel founded is doing very well and has been able to keep administrative expenses at a minimum. He has made a difference to many with disabilities, which is what this foundation is all about.
The BAF has accomplished many things helping those with disabilities. I’m so happy they have been able to participate in activities that previously they were unable. Thanks to Clay Aiken and his vision.
Clay Aiken has made a difference in the lives of many children with disabilities.
I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the GFI last January. I spoke to Diane Bubel at the end. She is so proud of what this foundation has accomplished in such a short time! I look forward to reading about the new name as it is introduced by the foundation.
Our schools continue to work toward inclusion. Clay’s vision, and the vision of BAF, is being utilized throughout our nation. I am proud to be a member!!!
So proud of Clay and all the good he has done with this foundation. I thought is was nice that he asked for fan suggestions when he decided to change the name.
Looking forward to hearing which name he picked.
Bravo for Clay Aiken and the Bubel/Aiken Foundation!
We know he’s excited about the new name, I can hardly wait to hear it.
Yes..this is Clay’s baby….as he said in Learning to Sing…..It is the why of him now….It is his purpose…
Helping kids has always been in the forefront for Clay…long before he ever appeared on AI…when he worked at the YMCA…and tried to get inclusion started back then…
As he said last year, that they were hoping to change the name, so that “Inclusion” was used…to specifically indicate what the foundation does…. It’s a great move….after all…IT’S ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!!!!
Great job Clay…You’ve done good and helped so many kids…kudos to you and your team..
I was at the Meet and Greet where the name change issue first came up. I asked Clay the question: What plans/programs do you have for the BAF…I was surprised when he discussed a name change..he said everyone mispronounced the name and he wanted the name to reflect the purpose of the charity. So there you have it..no hearsay. I was there, asked the question, and Clay answered it..almost two years ago at a Christmas concert Meet and Greet.
Wonderful article. I am proud to be a fan of Clay Aiken as well as a supporter of the foundation he co-founded.
The work that the foundation has done is wonderful and the results of all the hard work, dedication and love, are seen on the faces of the children and families it serves.
Thank you Clay for being a man who walks the walk and thank you for using your voice for those less fortunate. Congratulations to all of you and the BAF.
I am very impressed with Clay Aiken, his foundation, and all the wonderful services he has been able to provide through it. I look forward to the official announcement of the name change and to see what else Clay and the foundation have planned for the future.
I proudly support The Bubel Aiken Foundation and will continue to do so after the name change goes into effect. There are many reasons to say that you are a fan of Clay Aiken – the foundation is just one of them.
Many children benefit daily from the work of the foundation. Any thinking adult does well to support organizations that assist children with disabilites. Only the small minded and mean spirited would try to act as an obstacle to the goals of an organization like TBAF.
Here’s to the continued and increased success of the foundation created by Clay Aiken, whatever it’s official name.
Bravo Clay!
Thank you for sharing that impressive list of accomplishments for The Bubel/Aiken Foundation in the six short years of its existence.
I’m sure all those children that have been able to participate in main stream activities because of the foundation could care less what the name of it is, but I’m really looking forward to the official announcement of the name change when Clay and his foundation are ready to make it.
Congratulations Clay Aiken, Diane Bubel, and your wonderful foundation for all the good you do!
This great article tells it like it is. The TBAF is a wonderful foundation that has done so much for children all over the USA.
It is too bad that some crazy people feel the need to try and bring it down. Can’t be done. It’s too good!!
Clay should be very proud of his accomplishments with the foundation. His leadership has helped make this organization a top charity for inclusion of all children.
Thank you for the effort to bring this information to us.
Good to see this great report. Clay and his foundation have done so much in a short amount of time. The foundation is in the forefront of education and implication of inclusion for children throughout the United States.
Thank you for taking the time to let us know about these accomplishments.
Clay’s foundation and his work with Unicef are just two the many reasons I love him. He’s not just lip service when he talks about his causes, he really means it.
He talks the talk and walks the walk gerra. You are so right.
I also support the Bubel/Aiken Foundation. What a great cause. I’m glad Clay is changing the name. It’s what he’s wanted to do for almost 2 years. Go Clay! Can’t wait to find out what the new name will be!
Clay should be very proud of the work the foundation has done in such a short period of time. I know the foundation is near and dear to his heart as are the children it services. I am so glad to read this article and look forward to the new name which will allow the general public to view the name and know its purpose. I feel very fortunate to be a fan of this very caring, talented man.
I am so proud of Clay Aiken for what he has done to better this world and give back. I was fortunate to be able to attend his Champions of Change Gala in Oct. 2008. It was an amazing experience. The award winners were so inspirational and Clay was so appreciative of the fans and supporters of his charity. I love the new name and I hope it continues to serve as many children as possible.
TBAF is one of Clay’s biggest accomplishments! I’m so proud of him for his dedication to children with disabilities. His work for inclusion for all children is remarkable! Clay discovered a way to combine both of his passions in his lifetime…his love for singing and his love for children. That is a life worth living!
I think not only of the young people whose lives have been enhanced by the foundation’s work but also what a blessing this is for the parents of these kids who fight long and hard to see that their children have the same opportunities as their typically developing peers . Terrific work , TBAF .
Clay said he wanted to make a difference. He sure has. His foundation has changed the lives of many people.
Love this site!!
TBAF is a leader in its field. Look at all that has been accomplished.
I look forward to the announcement of the new name.
Thanks for all the news here. It is great!!
What an outstanding and informative article about Clay Aikens foundation. Also thanks for the links so one can read more about the accomplishments of this much needed foundation. Clay Aiken has done a wonderful job with this program for children
Bravo Clay…I’m so proud of all the great work he’s done for the children. He has definitely used his celebrity status to make a difference.
How typical of this humble man. His decision to rename the foundation so the concentration is entirely on the purpose of inclusion, not because of his celebrity, is an indication of how great a man Clay Aiken is.
Thanks for this informative blog on the Bubel Aiken Foundation. I remember a good while ago when Clay was talking about wanting to change the name to better reflect the foundation’s mission. I look forward to the official announcement of the new name.
Because of Clay’s and Diane Bubel’s vision, many children with special needs have been included in activities they were previously excluded from participating in. I’m so proud to be a fan of Clay Aiken!!!
I am so proud to be a fan of Clay Aiken, he is a man of many talents who also cares about the children of the world as well as the children with disabilities.
Don’t forget that he also is an ambassador for UNICEF and has put himself in harms way many times by going to the 3rd world countries on missions for UNICEF.
Thanks for the update on the BAF. I love the mission of the organization. From starting from nothing, they have impacted so many children’s lives. Thanks to Clay and Diane and everyone at the foundation for giving children with disabilities this opportunity.
At first I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of changing the BAF’s name. Now I totaly see Clay’s point in wanting a name that reflects their mission. The BAF is such a worthy organization and more people will become aware of the wonderful work they do because of the name change.